A dinner fail

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Character: George
You finally close the door to your home you shared with George. You yawn and set down your stuff.
"Y/n you're home! Please come Help!" You hear from your Boyfriend George. You gasp and run to his voice which apparently was coming from the kitchen. You walk in to see smoke everywhere. You wave it away from your face coughing.
"What happened baby?" You ask him. He looks at you. He looks terrified.
"I tried to make dinner for us and well this happened" he says nervously. You go up to him and hold his head in your hands kissing his lips softly.
"Baby that's so sweet!" You say "Let's clean up ok?" He nods and you two start cleaning the remnants of burnt steak.
After 20 minutes of cleaning you two finish. He looks guilty, like a kicked puppy. You look at him frowning.
"Hey let's just order pizza and cuddle! No need to be sad" you say reassuringly. He grabs your hand and pulls you to him kissing you softly. Everything he does is soft. He caresses your cheek softly, cuddles you softly and kisses you softly. You smile into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. He pulls away from your lips and sighs happily.
"Kissing you is like kissing a cloud" he says blushing but not breaking eye contact. You blush.
"Omg stop Georgie. Let's just order pizza" you pull away from him giggling and call to order pizza.

20 minutes later the doorbell goes off. You and George look up from your tv. He unwraps his arms from your waist and gets up. You frown at the loss of warmth you get from cuddling him. He comes back with a cheese pizza and you two eat and continue the comedy movie. You finish and look at him expectantly. You want more cuddles now. He cocks his head to the side like a confused puppy.
"Cuddles please" you say holding out your arms like a child. He giggles and pulls you into the perfect cuddling position. Your head on his chest and his arms around your waist. You smile. This is what happiness is huh? You ask yourself.

The credits start rolling an hour later. You two haven't moved from your cuddling position. He looks down at you to find you asleep. He smiles and carefully untangles himself from you. He picks you up bridal style and carries you to your shared bedroom. He lays you down carefully putting you under the covers. He lays down next to you and looks at your serene face. He smiles and runs his hand down your cheek. You squirm and wrap your arms around him pulling him close. He giggles quietly and cuddles you back. You two stay like that all night, cuddling. When the sun comes up he's still holding you and he will never stop.

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