Boat ride

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Character: dream

You were sitting on the couch in your apartment you shared with dream playing Minecraft on your Xbox when dream gets home. Like everyday he drops everything and hugging and kissing you. You giggle as he spins you around kissing your nose and forehead. He finally sets you down. You sigh as you lay your head on his chest. He finally speaks
"I missed you so much baby" he said.
"Stop I'm blushing" you say giggling.
"But I love you! I'm not allowed to be sappy?" He says drawing out the u in you.
"No you aren't" you Laugh at your obvious sarcasm. Suddenly he pulls away from your tight hug and sits on the couch.
"Hey we are going on a date tonight by the way" he says suddenly. You are both on the couch now.
"Oh?" You say not very surprised. He springs random dates on you all the time. You loved it, but you could never tell him that.
"Yeah we are going on a boat ride. So get dressed!" He says. You giggle and go to your shared room. You change into casual clothing and come back out to see him still on the couch.
"I'm ready clay" you say. His head whips around to you and smiles
"Great lets go!" He grabs your hand and drags you to the car.
30 minutes later you are pulling into parking lot at the lake. You hop out of the car and rush up to clay, grabbing his hand. Man you'll never get tired of the way he runs his thumb down your hand soothingly. He rents a boat and you two row out to a secluded spot.
"Now I say we make out." He laughs. You turn beet red.
"Omg seriously? You didn't have anything romantic planned?" You say obviously being sarcastic. You couldn't admit that making out with him is literally heaven. He always knew exactly what to do.
"I was thinking we make out first." He says smirking. Before you can reply his lips are on yours. You try to be stubborn and not kiss back but it doesn't work. He's just too good at this. He kisses you passionately and pulls you close. You sigh and put your hands on his chest. Then he does something new. His tongue is in your mouth. You freak out, but you don't dare stop him. It was too good to stop. You make out for what feels like hours but in reality was only a few minutes. Soon you both come up for air.
"Ok that was great but I actually have something romantic now" he's slightly out of breath. You nod and he pulls out a basket. One that you remember him having earlier but you never paid to much attention to.
"We are gonna have a picnic." He says. You giggle
"Awwww you're so romantic clay!" You hug him and soon you two are eating sandwiches and fruit. You two talk for hours. The topics ranging from food to animals. Unfortunately all good things come to an end so you two have to row back. Another car ride passes and you two are at home. You change into pjs and so does he. You yawn and Fall into your shared bed. You hear him get under the covers behind you and then you feel two strong arms wrap around you. He pulls you again his chest effectively spooning you. You sigh in content and close your eyes drifting off into a deep sleep.

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