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Right now, I am sitting on my bed engage in thinking about that Mr Stanger. No matter how much I tried to not think about him, his green eyes keep appearing and disturbing me.

 After beauty parlour, I, Swati went to the shopping mall, there I met many of Swati friends such as Nina, Hena, Gayatri and Shruti. We bought many wedding clothes. After shopping, shakti drop me my home and she went to her.

Its been 5 hours of me I came home and last met Mr Strager. But still, I cant Remove him from my memory.

I woke up from his though when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around my body to see who it is. It's none other than my mom.

"Beta( daughter), why happened? you seem to lost somewhere." Said sitting beside my bed 

" Nothing mom. I am fine". I lied as I am concern what my Mom think if I tell her about Mr Stanger.

" beta, i know something may have happened. I saw you are quite since you came back from shopping with Swati. Did something happen outside?" Said in worrying tone.

"Mom, when me and Swati, went to the beauty parlour, I saw a man wearing a suit inside his car. When his eyes met mine. I was drawn into his eyes. And now no matter I do, I can't forget him or his green eyes". I said innocently while fiddling my hands.

"How does he look?" My mom asks

"Ahh, he is so handsome, his body seems to be built so strong like he is going to the gym every day. Ah, and his nose is too sharp and last think about him that makes him more attractive than anyone is his gorgeous green eyes." I speak as I lost in thought about him.

"Ohh, my innocent daughter is in love. You love him?"  She said in a happy tone.

"Mom, how can i love him in the first meeting and above i don't anything about him except how he looks". i said while bushing little.

"Beta, it's your love at first sight. Look how much you ar blushing. Believe me, i think he is your prince charming. And don't worry if you don't that men, I will tell your father and he will differently do something.". She sounds so happy like she found something so precious to her.

"No mom, Don't tell father, what will he think about me if he finds out about this matter?" I am scared of what will my father do once he finds it.

"Beta, you don't worry about that. I'll talk to your dad. You just about your soon to be your Husband". Huh, soon to be husband seriously 

"Mom, I don't' even know if he like me and you are thinking about marriage". I am pretty worrying what if Mr Stanger doesn't like me.

"There is no way beta, that he can't like you, you are so pure, innocent and beautiful. I bet that he also like you". She talks like she is a prophet here.

"Really moma?" I ask as I am still unsure  

"Yaa beta".

"Thank you, mom you are the best mom in the world. Talking with you make me feel so good ". Said honestly 

"Of course, parent and children support to live as a friend so children can talk with  parent without any hesitation." 'yes mom" I said

"Now let's go cook something yummy for your dad and brother. They said '  the way to man hearts is through his stomach' so let's cook something yummy and make them their Tommy happy. So they can do something to find your Prince Charming." she said taking me out holding my hand to the kitchen

"Thank you mom"

 "anything for you my beta". 

And we start cooking for a special dinner for tonight. 

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