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Read the story to know the Rudra Kaushik, a billionaire and eligible bachelor of India intrigued by innocent Kushi Gupta. Will Rudra make Kushi fall in love?


Kushi Gupta, princess of his father and brother. She is very shy, innocent and mostly she is attractive and charming. Very boy's dreams of having her , while every girl envy her. 

Rudra kaushik. He is billionaire and eligible bachelor of India. He is hard working, arrogant and rude for everyone but for his love one's, he is loving and caring person. Everone praise him for his appealing look and girl's throw them but he don't give shit to them. 

Everything change for Rudra when he first time caught her attention. From that moment, he decided that girl will going to be his. Will Rudra can make this possible? 

Read the story till end to find out what twist and turn will it take.

Kushi as Aditi Rathor

Kushi as Aditi Rathor

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Rudra as Zain Imam

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