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"Kushi beta, wake up it already 8 am". Slowly opened my eyes as I feel someone kissed my forehead. 

"I Momu, let me sleep more". I clung to my mum as she caressed my hair slowly.

"No beta, wake up now. Your friend Swati called me as your phone is not available. She told me that you are going to do her wedding shopping." Said, mom. 

"What? She called you mom." I sat on my bed as soon as I heard Swati's name.

"YEH Kushi, go quickly into the bathroom while I prepared a lovely breakfast so you can leave. One more thing, she told me that she going to come and pick you up" She said before standing up.

"Ok mommu" I said before kissing her cheek and go to the bathroom.

I quickly done my job in the toilet and take a warm shower. Today I decide to wear Salwar Kameez ( orange and green) together with matching jhumkha ( earning) and Bengal. I quickly wear light makeup and lipstick as I am not a fan of extra makeup. I usually don't wear. I take my small bag from the table before heading downstairs.

This is how Kushi looks in her Salwar Kameez

"My princess looks cute and beautiful," my dad said as I walk on the stair

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"My princess looks cute and beautiful," my dad said as I walk on the stair. 

"Yes, dad she is looking amazing dad." Said My bother, Abhimanyu with a wink. 

"No dad, she looks ugly," said Arjun coming from his room. 

When he said ' ugly' I was on the verge of crying when Abhimanyu come to me and hug me tightly. Then he shouts at Arjun " shut up Arjun, you know how sensitive Kushi is, then why do you say something like that".

"I am a sorry princess, I was just kidding. You are the most beautiful women in the world I have ever Seen. Please forgive me ". He pinches my cheek while he finishes saying. 

Arjun always likes to make fun do me.

"Arjun, when you next time says something, think wisely before you say. Now come here, my princess." I go to my father and plop beside him on the sofa.

He took my hand caressing and kissing my temple.

"So where is my princess going in this pretty look." He asked adorably. 

"Dad, me, Swati, and her some friends are  going to Swati wedding shopping as she told me last time," I said slowly

"Princess you are not going alone, me or Arjun gonna come with you," Abhi said possessively

"Abhi, I cannot go as I have an important meeting with Mr. Kaushik so I suggest you should go with her," Arjun said

"No Bhai ( brother ) you don't have to come with me. Swati said she will pick me and after finish shopping, she also drop me home straightaway, so I think you don't have to worry about me or coming with me". I said slowly 

"No princess, what your brother saying is correct, someone has to go with you. We can't be allowed you to go alone". My dad said worrying 

"But dad-" Before I finish the sentence, someone cut me.

"Uncle doesn't worry, I will take care of her, I will safely drop her after shopping," Swati said entering from the main door. she greets my dad and Arjun but not Abhimanyu.

"Yes Rakesh, let her go, the only certain time she gets freedom. I think she needs to go outside often but your and both two possessiveness and extreme protection don't let her go." My mom said to dad and pointing at my brothers while entering the room from the kitchen.

"Mom, it because we love our only one sister that's why we can't let anyone harm her -" Abhi cut by Swati.

"Sir please let her go, we will make sure we are safe, don't worry about that." she pleads

"Ok but make sure if something happens, immediately called me or your brothers".  Dad said to me.

"Let's go Kushi, quickly before your dad stops you from going," Swati said playfully.

"Ok, mom, dad, Abhi, and Arjun I am going". I kissed my dad, mom, my two bother cheek before heading out of the house.

"Swati, I need to talk to you"- Abhi cut by Arjun

"So Swati, are you ready to married this early. I think you need to think again as you can see someone is getting frustrated whenever he heard about you getting married to some else than him -" Abhi cut Arjun


"And also he is quite upset that you choose someone else than him ". Arjun said while holding Abhi shoulders.

"Arjun, I don't care he is upset or not. And my parent choose him Not me". Swati said eying Abhi then Arjun again.

"Swati, i want to talk yo you something". He spoke 

"No i am getting late , i have to buy so many thing for my wedding in less time ." She said firmly, specially the words" my wedding" and she got in the car.

"Kushi come we are getting late". I gave my bother worrying expression before getting in. 

"Princess, tie your sit belt," Abhi said looking at me then Swati.

"Take care Kushi and don't forget to call me or Arjun". Abhi spoke

"Ok Bhai". I smiled

"Let's go". She start driving, staring on the front without any expression.

"Ahhhhhhhh". She starts screaming hitting steering  once we drove out of my house gate

"What happen". I ask 

"Your brother happen." She said loudly 

"Oh". I can only said that as I don't know what is basically going on between them. 

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