-A Step in the Right Direction-

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Erin's POV:

"Close your eyes. Relax your muscles. Become aware of each breath you take in and out." Elvia's voice was rather soothing and I slowly felt my body relax. Elvia was helping me to become one with my beasts. How? I had no idea.

After she gave me a disgusting lumpy purple liquid to choke down, she instructed me to lay down on her study floor and close my eyes. I dutifully followed and here we are. I couldn't care less how stupid I looked, ignoring Anthony's snickers in the background.

I was desperate.

"Feel your lungs expand. Now exhale. Great. Focus on your beasts."

I felt them close. Moving towards her voice, wanting out. They were curious. I could feel it. My body was humming in anticipation.

"Don't be afraid Erin. You must do this. You need to do this."

I try to relax as her voice starts to soften to a whisper almost as if its being carried away. Where is she going?

"Trust them."

My eyes snap open. I'm alone. And no longer in Elvia's study. No Anthony or Elvia hovering nearby. I felt it in my core. 

I was alone.

Truly alone.

My chest tightens causing a gasp to escape my lips. I try to sit up but my body does not obey.

What is happening?

Why can't I feel my wolf and vampire?

It's so quiet.

No arguing. No sarcastic comments. No threats. No fighting. No reassuring words. No comforting presence.


Clutching my chest to ease the pain, I try to calm my breathing and focus on my surroundings.

I was in a corridor. A very long dark corridor that seemed never ending. No. I can see a light at the bottom of the corridor. Forcing my arms under me, I push myself up with difficulty.

What did Elvia give me? How is this supposed to help? Where is everyone?

I look towards the source of light and I decide that my best bet is to walk towards it.

A startling thought pops into my head but disappears just as quickly.

Am I dead?

Is this it?

It's so...lonely.

I try to stop my feet from moving towards the light. It did not look as inviting as it did before. I am not ready. I don't want to die.

However, my feet don't stop. Something was pulling me. Caling me. I had no control.

As I walk closer I have to shield my eyes from the light enamating from a door. Taking a much needed breath for courage and to stop my shaking limbs, I step through the door only to gasp at what I find on the other side.

Nothing could have prepared me for what I found.

Two cages covered by a sheet, blocking my view of what was inside.

Stepping closer, a growl rumbles from inside one of the cages. Taking a deep breath, I pull the cover. I jump back in alarm as a beast throws itself at the bars of the cage. The cage shifts in its spot due to the force.

We lock eyes and I know.

It's my beast. My wolf.

How can this be?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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