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Erin's POV:

I wake up the next morning a few days later to distant shouting. Blinking my eyes open I force myself to investigate. Feeling fear run up my spine I pull the covers off my legs climbing out of the bed silently. Padding over to the window I peak outside and cover my mouth in shock.

There outside is a large bonfire set alight, each flame licking closer to the sky. What was shocking was the four bodies tied to the mast burning alive. A crowd of vampires stood staring at the spectacle with sadistic smiles on their faces.

I cover my mouth as I slowly take in the horrific sight. I have to force myself not to vomit my last meal. The crowds jeers were slightly muffled as the window was closed.

I could make out part of their words making my blood run cold.

"Disgusting werewolves!!"

"Die beasts die!"

"Vile cowards."

"Their kind deserve to die!"

This couldn't be happening. Why would they be doing this? Shaking my head in disbelief I fall back onto the bed clutching my hands to stop them trembling.

I felt so stupid. I trusted the wrong people.


Making a quick decision I look around for a weapon or anything that could help me escape. Taking in the sparse room I start to hyperventilate. I couldn't think straight. How could I?

Think Erin think!

During my panic attack  I fail to notice the footsteps approaching the room. I dive under the covers of the bed and close my eyes forcing myself to breathe normal. Just as I slow my heartbeat the door creaks open.

I remain still as the person walks into the room. They sigh in what sounds like relief before the sound of something being placed on to the table can be heard. A tray. Slowly opening my eyes I stare at the back of a young woman as she fixes things on the tray.

My eyes dart to the door.

The open door.

Forgetting everything I know about how vampires, specifically their speed, I jump out of the bed running out the door to freedom. I hear the faint gasp of surprise from the girl but I concentrate on running down the stairs. I don't shift in to my wolf for fear of attracting unwanted attention.

My eyes dart around like the caged animal I am. My eyes land on the front door. Seeing no people or obstacles in my way I run with everything I have. Feeling the  handle rest in my shaking hand I pull the door open with unnecessary force. I momentarily take in the empty garden.

Everyone must be still behind the house. I can hear distant voices reminding me of what I had seen earlier. That immediately sets my legs running towards the line of the forest that are in my sights. Thanks to my werewolf genes I am able to run faster than a human and make it to the cover of the trees in seconds. Honing in on my wolf I bring her to the surface as I dart through the trees. Our combined agility allows me to dart in  and out of the trees with precision, my speed getting faster as I become more confident in my strides.

Digging my paws into the dirt I try to erase the images I had seen. Lost in thought I fail to notice the shadows darting past me. Lukas suddenly appears in front of me causing me to yell out in shock. My paws dig into the ground in time to save myself from crashing into him.

I stare at him in alarm. My eyes dart around looking for an escape but instead land on vampires from Lukas' clan.

They have me surrounded.

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