~Sorely Mistaken~

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My mouth opens and shuts but no words come out. I am utterly speechless. I can't move. I am frozen in fear. My wolf growls knowing we're in deep sh!t.

Why did she do it?

Alpha Dave looms over me standing tall at over six foot. I avoid eye contact knowing he will see it as a challenge and I don't need that right now. I feel myself shaking not knowing what to do.

"I-I" My voice comes out shaky showing the clear fear that I feel. I swallow and try again only to come out with nothing.

The Alpha growls angrily. His eyes change colour showing his wolf is in control. I gulp audibly.

"You hurt my mate." His voice sounds husky and more menacing. The wolf side of us always sounds different from our normal voices. Deeper and more intimidating.

I shake my head trying to get my head around everything.

I'm innocent. She framed me!

Luna Lexie decides that this would be the best time to make her crying louder drawing her mates attention to her and making him considerably angrier.

He rushes over and begins cooing soothing words to her as the pack doctor runs into the clearing. He immediately begins cleaning up her face under the watchful eye of the Alpha.

I take an unconscious step back. Alpha Dave is immediately in my face, his face contorted. His wolf is seething. I try to calm my heart by taking deep breaths but my frantic heart won't listen.

"How dare you hurt my mate. Your Luna!" He roars. His voice echos in the clearing that is now beginning to fill with confused and curious pack members.

All eyes are on me.

I whimper bowing my head in submission. His wolf is close and everyone can see he is holding himself back from attacking me. I stare at the ground praying for someone to speak up, for someone to clear me of my innocence.

"No! I-"

"You just committed treason!" He fumes.

My eyes widen at his words. I glance behind him in time to catch the proud smirk Luna Lexie throws my way before she hides it with a pained look and pathetic whimper.

How can he believe that I would do something like this? I have been loyal to the pack for the past eight years. I have gone out of my way to prove that I belong in this pack! That I belong somewhere!

No this cannot be happening! Before I can even open my mouth and try and plead my case, Alpha Dave signals someone. Suddenly I'm surrounded by warriors and two men grab my arms trapping me from escaping.

Frantically looking from left to right I plead with my eyes to the warriors who I have come to know over the past eight years. They all look away avoiding eye contact. I start struggling in the arms of the men but their hold is firm.

"No please Alpha! I didn't do it! Please believe-" I'm cut off by the Alpha's hand which strikes me across the face. Holding in the pained cry I keep my eyes to the ground.

"You were seen standing over my mate. Her blood is on your hand. There is no mistake on what happened." He snarls.

My wolf is silent, the power of the Alpha standing in front of me causing her to submit.

I slump in defeat knowing that nothing I say will change what the Alpha thought he saw. He will believe his mate no matter what.

"Erin Sanders you are here by banished from the pack. If you step foot on this territory you will be immediately killed."

I gasp in shock hoping I misheard him. Banishment?!

"I cut all your ties with the pack making you a rouge from this day forth." He finishes. Silence fills the clearing.

All that can be heard is my rapid heart beat and my ragid breaths.

I feel the link with the pack snap. It feels like a pinch in my chest. My wolf howls in despair. We are officially a rogue.

My mind slowly mulls over the Alpha's words and my heart breaks. This can't be happening.

The Alpha steps back and Lexie takes her spot rightfully by his side. She looks on in fake sadness.

I just stare blankly at the both of them wondering how can someone take the word of another as if it is law. I sigh inwardly. He would never question his mate. Never doubt her.

I look him in the eye. Now that I am technically a rogue I won't be punished as severely for doing so. With all the sincerity I can muster I look him in the eye hoping to the Goddess above that he will believe me.

"I did not touch your mate."

He stares at me for what feels like minutes but it's only seconds. Luna Lexie squeezes his arm and any hope I had is immediately lost. He nods to the men around me. Turning away he calls over his shoulder.

"Make sure she leaves. But before you go Erin....I want to make sure you don't make your way back here anytime soon."

With that he turns and walks away with his mate safely tucked under his arm.

That's when the first blow comes. Soon I'm enveloped in pain, each hit, punch and kick worse than the last.

How did it come to this?

What did I do to deserve this?

One last blow to the head has me succumbing to the darkness.

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