-Ravenous Beasts-

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Prince Markus' POV:

The atmosphere in the room was tense. The coven leader's mate had me sitting in an armchair next to the fireplace. My hands clutched the edge of the armrests. I had sent Anthony to return to the castle to update my father on our new findings. He should have been back by now. The coven leader and his mate have been quiet since our previous discussion. They sense my inner turmoil as I sit rigidly. I could feel their glances thrown my way. Enough is enough. I refuse to sit around when there can be something done.

The door to the office is thrown open, loudly hitting the wall. The alarmed wide-eyed vampire swivels his head around the room not knowing who to speak to first.

"Out with it!"

"The King and his men are here!"

I knew instantly something was wrong. My father sent me on this trip. He wouldn't have followed me without letting me know first. From the look of the frazzled messenger, something was wrong.

Everyone is out the door in seconds, meeting the King's party as they walk out of the forest. I'm at my father's side in seconds.

"What happened?!"

The men bow at my sudden arrival. I scan the group and their haggard appearance. I sense Coven Leader Lukas and his mate nearby.

"Someone start talking. Now."

"The King needs to be looked at Sir. We were attacked by hunters."

The doctor arrives promptly. We have a doctor, but we rarely need one. Vampires don't get sick. He glances over my father, mumbling to himself. I begin pacing with impatience. He stands up and signals for the men to carry the King inside.

As my father is carried away, I hear someone grumble from the group.

"What was that, boy?"

His eyes widen at my approach. Quickly ducking his head, he refuses to meet my eyes.

Good. I knew they were turning red. My vampire would only see it as disrespectful. My chest rumbles.

"I was just saying that- that it was all because of that woman!"

The group stills and the men begin to look nervous.

'What.Woman.' I bite out each word through my elongating fangs.

My vampire was fighting for control. Before I can answer the Coven Leader jumps in. His eyes are calculating as he asks for them to explain what happened with the woman.

After the men fumble to describe what happened, he turns to his mate with a grin.

"That's her!" His mate nods with tears in her eyes. She clutches her necklace to her chest and softly murmurs to herself. Tearing my eyes away, I finally gain some control.

"Her? As in the hybrid?"

The couple look to me finally remembering my presence.

"Yes Sire."

Turning to my father's men, I thank them for bringing my father home and instruct them to go inside and rest. The Coven Leader's mate bustles around them, leading them into her home.

When everyone is gone, I turn to Lukas who is the only one left standing. He watches me silently.

"Tell me everything you know about the hybrid."

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