~New Advancements~

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~There is bad language in this chapter~

King Albert's POV:

"Let us begin."

Standing to attention my advisors read the report of the 'goings on' in our world.

My son sits to my left looking awfully bored. Feeling my stare he gazes lazily over at me, looking not at all impressed.

"You are the next in line to be King. Act like it." He sighs but nods fixing himself in the chair to look like he actually gives a crap. That's my son.

The report goes on for a few minutes, the usual stuff. Until the advisor reading, stops abruptly before hesitantly starting again.

"- Six humans were found dead-"

"How is that of importance?" My sons voice cuts him off.

"Your Grace if I may continue?" At my nod he continues to read.

"-puncture holes found in the jugular. Another male victim was found with his throat ripped out. The word 'vampire' has been thrown about but mainly the humans are looking in the direction of a serial killer or an animal attack." My son scoffs. He mumbles something that sounds a lot like 'stupid' under his breath but I choose to ignore it.

"A newborn?"

I fix my state on the now fidgeting advisor.

"Why was I not informed?"

"Word just arrived your Highness. My sincerest apologies."

With a flick of my wrist, the meeting is dismissed and everyone leaves. Everyone except my son. For once he looks interested in what is happening.

I read over the report again fixating on the details. Definitely a vampire and only a newborn would be capable of such destruction.

"Find me this newborn. We will need to have a little chat." Nodding he leaves with a flourish and grace of a King.

I will leave this up to him. He needs to take on the responsibilities of the kingdom especially the safety of our people and existence. With that, I stroll out of the room in search of my Queen.

Unknown POV:

The glass splinters as it hits the wall. I tug my hair in frustration.

"Another one?" I nod staring down at another dead body.

"Something is not right. I must look at my calculations." Mumbling a curse to myself when I bump the table I finally take a seat at my desk. Scattered pages of documents litter the oak table. It sort of mirrors what I imagine my thoughts would look like.

I wave my hand, a signal for the body to be disposed of.

Filthy creatures. Really.

My notes jump off the page. Mocking me in my failure once again.

But she was not a failure.

She was my only success.

I wasn't expecting her to do as well as she did.

Killing all those humans?

Catching the attention of the Royals?

It was perfect. I couldn't have planned it better. Tapping the pen to the rhythm of the clock on the wall, my mind gets lost in the possibilities.

She was strong. But she is even stronger now. The perfect machine. Now I need to make more.

Like a switch being turned on, I know exactly what I need for the experiments to work like they had with her. Grinning to myself I begin jotting down my stream of thoughts.

A knock on the door breaks me from my trance. One of my loyal guards stands at attention.

"Just the person I want to see. Oh goodie you're here. This is perfect. Perfect."

He watches me with sharp eyes as I walk closer. His face is stoic just like always.

"Inform Luna Lexie that we need more wolves."

The door closes leaving me to my thoughts.

This is perfect.


I have experiments to plan.


Luna Lexie POV:

I end the call just as a knock sounds at the door. I can tell it's Dave immediately. He always knocks even though he technically doesn't have to. He is Alpha. He says it's because he respects me. I have to roll my eyes at his antics sometimes. He is too nice.

"Babe?" I smile at him when I see his head peak around the door. I frown though once I see how exchausted he looks. Again.

I grit my teeth but plaster a smile on my face as he moves into the room. He collapses into the nearest chair. Standing up I walk up behind him placing my hands on his broad shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

He sighs before answering.

"I'm still haunted by her."

I begin massaging his shoulders so he doesn't notice the change in my grip. I squeeze tightly growing angry at the thought of him thinking of that bitch. She's been gone months and still she's causing problems. He moans under my touch tilting back his head.

"Why?" I force my voice to sound concerned and not at all spiteful. It fools him.

"I don't know. My wolf and I just can't believe it."

Knowing that if he thinks about it too much he may catch on so I play the mate card. Stepping around him until I'm standing in front of him, tears in my eyes I ask in a pathetic whimper.

"You don't believe it? You don't believe that she attacked your own mate with witnesses and tried to act innocent?!"

Like I knew he would, be crumbles and pleads for my forgiveness explaining that he was just feeling guilty but would be over it soon.

He better be. I'm not letting that whore continue to steal my mate even after she's gone.

He's mine and only mine.


This is a shorter chapter but we get to see different POV which I enjoyed writing☺️

The story is changing before my eyes I've had the last few days off so I've been writing loads😃

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Sinead xx

Royally AcceptedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora