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Erin's POV:

I wake early the next morning having barely slept during the night. My eyes fall on my pest of a companion to see him staring at the embers of the fire, a strange look on his face. Fighting the part that wants to ask him what's wrong I instead ignore the urge and walk towards the treeline. Shuffling behind me lets me know Anthony was following. He had yet to say a word. My shoulders relax as I take in the new silence. Our light footsteps and the occasional rustle of a nearby animal are the only sounds to disturb the forest. 

My beasts were watching. Listening. 

They didn't seem to mind our companions presence. There didn't seem to be a sign of Anthony leaving anytime soon.

Birds stop chirping. The animals scurry for shelter. Our feet still as we take in the presence that had caused the disturbance. My eyes scan the treeline, as a tingly feeling creeps down my back. 

We were being watched.

Anthony was scanning his surroundings too. His body stiff with tension. I pull my beasts forward, seeking comfort in their presence. A hooded figure steps out from behind a tree, seemingly out of nowhere. The figure, clearly a woman, is clothed in a large cloak that covers most of her face and arms. Her legs peak out from under the cloak as she steps closer. She almost appears to glide across the forest floor. She suddenly stops in front of us, slowly lifting her head. Her face still not visible. My breath catches as tattooed arms rise to the cloak hood, pulling it back to reveal a striking woman. Her bald head decorated in intricate tattoos that almost pulsate and move on her head. Narrowing my eyes and using my supernatural eyesight, I confirm her tattoos are indeed moving.

What  is she? Who is she? A sorceress? A witch?

"No child. I have many names. I prefer the term, Oracle."

Did she just call me a child?

Her lilting laughter surrounds us. Anthony shuffles his feet beside me. It seems our companion is feeling impatient.

"Or aroused."

I snap my head towards Anthony who ducks his head, refusing to meet my eyes. If he was human he would be blushing. Rolling my eyes at the vampire I turn my attention back to the unknown woman. Her eyes slowly leave Anthony to meet mine.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Elvia."

"I'm Erin and this idiot is Anthony." I point to myself and then a very indignant Anthony.

"Anthony I've been waiting a long time for you." She almost purrs his name. For once he remains silent beside me. His eyes wide staring at her. My head bobs between the two, taking in the scene before me. Then it clicks. She was his Beloved.

"What do you want?" My question breaks her staring contest with Anthony who was clearly effected by her presence.

She shrugs almost human like. But she was anything but human. 

"I want to help of course."

"Of course?" 

Elvia laughs loudly startly some nearby birds perched in the trees. Her eyes which I have only noticed now are a stunning purple, fixate on me. A grin slowly forms on her face making her look youthful.

"You my dear, are destined for great things."


We followed Elvia into the woods, where she said she had a cabin we could speak privately in. Anthony never took his eyes off of her. I held back letting the two walk beside each other. There was a hum in the air. An electric current vibrating between the two. My beasts liked her and could tolerate Anthony.

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