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Lukas' POV:

The room was in uproar. Vampires shouting and hissing in rage, their beasts taking over. Words of disbelief rippled through the room. There had been rumours of the attempted kidnapping of my mate having been carried out by werewolves but this just confirmed our fears. Standing in shock at the news I try to ignore the crowd and kept my eyes on my mate. She was staring intently at the squirming doctor.

"My love. What is it?" She turns at my voice.

"It seems our dear doctor has been conspiring against us for some time now."

My lip curls as my beast growls. He wanted to get rid of the threat. To protect our mate and coven. Werewolves and vampires have been fighting for a long time, but I was hoping it would come to an end during my lifetime. If the werewolves are behind this and are planning on attacking us, then a war will evidently break out.

One of my trusted coven members steps onto the stage and comes to a stop at my side. He discretely leans forward to whisper in my ear, despite how pointless the action may be.

"Sire, Royals have been spotted nearby."

A heavy sigh slips through my lips. I knew this would happen.

"Who?" My mate asks walking towards us.

The messenger bows his head to her before answering.

"It is believed to be the Prince."

Nodding grimly I turn to the crowd and instruct them to prepare for the arrival of the Prince. Suddenly remembering why we are here, I glance back at the doctor still on his knees. I can't help the smirk that crosses my face at the sight of his terrified form kneeling on the ground. The news had obviously left him a bit rattled.

"Take him away."

Turning my back on the traitor, I pull my mate by the hand out of the room, plans for war already running through my head.

Prince Markus' POV:

On request of my father, I set out with a group of my men to investigate into the attacks on humans that suspiciously look like vampire attacks. I had to admit I was intrigued when I first heard of the brutal attacks. We haven't had something like this happen in a couple of years. We try to avoid attacking so openly for fear of attracting attention especially from vampire hunters.

A few of my men had bets on to see what the cause of the attacks would be. Was it a newborn? A vampire hunter trying to lure us out? Werewolves?

I didn't know which was worse to be honest.

"What's with the frown?" The voice of my best friend and right hand, Anthony brings me back to the task at hand. He hands me a coffee cup and I nod graciously.

"What do you think about all this?" He stays silent for a few minutes and I almost think he is going to ignore me, but his heavy sigh tells me he was troubled and was collecting his thoughts.

"I don't think it was human. I know we already presumed that but there's something about these attacks Mark, something not right. They were brutal. Did you see the photos? Those humans were mutilated by something. Not your normal vampire attack. Whoever is behind this Is sadistic and must be stopped. What if they continue? What if they catch the attention of the humans? They could expose us all! We already have hunters lurking in the shadows. What's next? Something is coming friend. Something big."

His words lingered in the air. He was right. Whatever creature did this had to be stopped.

"Your Majesty, we found something."

I turn to one of my trusted men who was using the time to discretely ask questions around the small town we were currently in. Something to point us in the direction of what or who was behind the attacks. He has a charming personality which comes in handy in these situations.

"I tracked down a few vampires who knew of the attacks on the humans. They were scared to talk about it but they spoke of a rumour some vampires have whispered about. They speak of an unknown creature, first of its kind. They also mentioned a name. Lukas, leader of the Shadestone coven. Find him and we will find an answer."

We continued our journey to find answers. Too consumed with my thoughts the hours seemed to slip by. I recall a memory of when I met Lukas for the first time. It was at a big meeting at the Royal palace where all coven leaders came together to discuss issues and keep peace. He was respectful and my father spoke highly of him. He was described as a kind man that always saw the good in others. I was hoping he wasn't behind this, but I guess you never truly know someone. The conversation I had with Tony echoed in my mind. Something didn't feel right. Something was going to happen, and it left a heavy feeling in my gut. Even my beast was on edge which made me even more wary.

Driving into a small town, the place was deserted. I warn everyone to be on high alert. The town is probably expecting our arrival but with the recent happenings one can't be too careful. A lone man stands next to a silver car watching our cars approach. One of my men gets out to speak with him and returns in seconds.

"He's going to lead us." We all watch as he gets into the silver car, leading us through the rest of the town. It's not long before we arrive and we meet the coven that the rumours spoke of.

A man and woman stand in front of the house holding hands. They bow as I approach.

"Your Majesty, welcome to our home. My name is Lukas and this is my beloved Arabella. Please come inside and get comfortable."

Something didn't feel right. And I wasn't the only one who noticed. Tony glanced at me repeatedly and I noticed my men looking around, scrutinising our surroundings. It was hard to explain. Looking at the couple closely, I notice Lukas' mate looking troubled. It seemed our arrival had caused some sort of tension. It was time to find out why.

Lukas' POV:

Erin was missing.

It was all my fault. Riddled with guilt, I sent some coven members to track her down and bring her home or at least find out where she is, so I know she is safe. I also couldn't ignore the fear of her attacking and killing someone again. I know she's trying but I fear she might let herself slip and it will be difficult to save her if she is consumed by her animalistic side.

My sweet Bella was distraught at the thought of Erin out there all alone, feeling unwanted and scared. I sometimes forget that she is a victim in this as much as anyone. Betrayed by her own kind, kicked out of her pack only to be attacked and changed against her will, becoming a creature never heard of before. The fight for control must be exhausting.

When a vampire is created, the first few months can be quite dangerous as they are known as Newborns, very strong and very thirsty. This thirst drives them to kill whatever and whoever they cross and it takes time for them to gain control of that hunger. It has been years since we had a Newborn in the coven. And now to have a hybrid of a werewolf turned vampire, the repercussions are unknown.

And now we have caught the attention of the Royals. 

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