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My head hurt terribly and everything felt hazy, I didn't want to die yet but did I have a choice? Could all of this have been different? It was by utter confusion that I opened my eyes to see the familiar ceiling at Jungkook's castle, the huge chandelier a few meters away and light breeze from the open windows hit my skin. I looked beside me to see the Queen, at an instant I rose up, feeling a bit different as my shoulder length hair was now one too may inches down the small of my back. I blinked a few times and all Jungkook's mother did was smile apologetically.

She looked down at my hand, holding firmly onto it and gazing at me.

"I'm sorry, I never knew," she said, her voice small and airy and I was still in the dark about what was going on. She lifted herself from the bed I was now seated on and walked out of the room. I noticed Jungkook and Taehyung stand by the door with Yuqi who was seated on the chair a little away from my bed.

Taehyung's eyes were glossy and he only teared up further when his eyes met mine. Jungkook pat him and Taehyung turned, leaving the room after his mother. Jungkook gulped but walked towards me, sitting down on the same spot as his mother he looked at me, a hint of guilt in his face as he tried to smile through it.

"Can you please tell me what's going on? How am I still here after the ceremony?" I asked, doubts racing around my head as I stared intently at Jungkook, pleading an answer.

His hand went to the inside of his coat, pulling out a rolled piece of paper and handing it to me.

"I'll be right here, the letter's for you," Jungkook said and lifted himself to be seated behind me, his arms going around to embrace my waist as he placed his head on my shoulder.

I gulped, a thousand possibilities of what could be written inside the letter but I hoped it to be anything but full of despair.


You remember the first time we met? By the school where some douche was picking on you, remember how I sassed him away? The guy's face after was just a sight to see. I chased around you a lot, mainly cause I wanted a friend whom I soon found in you, despite your cold demeanor you opened up to me pretty quick, even if it was just studying together or walking to class I enjoyed every moment spent with you.

The first time you disappeared I was hella worried, if only I knew you were at Agartha, that would've felt better. I'm sorry I creeped up on you though, the first time I saw you when you came back you were with these two guys and I was obviously afraid, I mean, look at them, they literally walked out of a Vogue cover. I also want to apologize, for many things but let's start with the first reason, I shouldn't have hidden my true self from you, it must have hurt you to know I pretended to be a human for so long and I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I couldn't protect as much as Jungkook did whenever trouble came by while we were out for the Steele, I'm also sorry, for being the reason the last part of the Steele hid itself from us.

It was me Naeri, I was the first offspring....the other day I saw your father, he could've been a trashbag all your life, but maybe it was because he never knew you, and as he did, he couldn't help but love you like we do, Naeri. He wanted to be the father he never could, he cried his heart out thinking you were his first child, oh was he wrong.

I guess that day there was a reason why I felt so troubled watching him cry, and hugging him only proved what I knew, he was my father, the one that left my mother impregnated. And I being older only meant it was me, I was the one cursed and not you, so don't you ever blame yourself for what happened to me.

They say the soul of the cursed offspring gets entrapped as dust in the Steele, well that's all the hope I can give you, I'll always watch over you and Renjin, do me a favor, help him be a better man, be there with him as he grows old.

I wish I could spend at least a little while with you, not as friends as we did before but as siblings, maybe that would've made me feel a bit better. And about Taehyung, how do I say this...okay girl talk time, don't be a big mouth alright? I kinda had a little crush on him, ah I'm blushing, he probably only saw me as a friend but that's okay, he deserves better than a hellhound.

I hope I'm reborn as a stronger individual, not a hellhound, but someone that wouldn't have to cower when being around you, someone you could be proud of. You're gonna be a lot stronger now that the Steele is intact, always use your powers wisely my love, I know you'll always make the right decisions.

And....ahem.....don't go make babies with Jungkook yet, rule for sometime like the bitchass queen you are, let him chase around for a bit, healthy flirting is accepted but nothing more okay, at least not now.

I guess I'll go now, don't miss me too much, and tell Taehyung that I'll miss him too yeah? Jungkook on the other hand.....yeah I'll miss that idiot too.

To my little sister, Naeri, who's gonna be the best Queen of her time,
From her cute older brother who has some work to get on in heaven, Jimin."

I didn't know how to feel, I laughed, cried, got embarrassed all in reading one letter. Jungkook turned me around and looked at me straight in the eye, holding my cheeks in place to see my eyes better.

"Don't cry love, he wouldn't like that," Jungkook told me and I nod, wiping my tears away. That was the one problem in Agartha, when one dies, there's no going back, they simply turn to dust unless time brings them back.

Jungkook spread multiple kisses on my cheek making me feel better though I was sure my eyes were puffing. 

"I missed you," he said and did his best to hide his smile.

"How long was I out for? I asked as I rubbed my eyes to get any hint of the tears away.

"A good 6 months," he said and I opened my eyes wide.

"Just kidding, it's been three days," he said and I pulled his ear making him wince.

"Then why is my hair so long now?" I asked, taking a few strands of my straight hair and looking at them.

"You don't like it, I can cut it," he said and stared at me mischeviously before rolling his eyes.

"You don't get it do you, the Steele is back, you have achieved the highest of your powers now, you might take a while getting used to them and learning how to control them but hey, I'm here, we can learn together," Jungkook said, inching closer to me till his lips were closer to mine and we heard someone clear their throat, stopping us.

Right, Yuqi was still here.

"C'mon, Taehyung must be balling," I said and got off Jungkook, arranging my clothes and he got off as well.

I looked at the card that was on my bed still, a smile plastering on my face this time. I'll miss you a lot too, Jimin.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now