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"You didn't meet the standards of a God."

"Your father should've taught you better."

"We trusted you when you told us the Steele wasn't on Earth anymore..."

These words never left my head, I felt like a disappointment to my kingdom, no one was hurt severely but to think I assumed the Steele was back to Agartha just because a mere fallen angel told me so, I felt stupid. The things my mother told me rang repeatedly at the back of my head, making the feeling a whole lot worse, I ruffled my hair and thought back to the last words she said.

"Take Naeri back to Earth, she knows the place better. It's sad to see such a King, one who still hasn't accepted his responsibilities."

It was words like these that made me despise Naeri in the beginning, as time went by I knew she wasn't all that bad the way I attested her to be. It felt unreal and plain stupid, having to go to Agartha and Earth back and forth just because of my idiocracy.

"You ready?" Taehyung asks as he plops himself down on the bed where I was seated, lost in my thought. He held his head upon his palm as he gazed at me. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You must be really stressed huh?" Taehyung asked and I shut my eyes, breathing in deeply and sighing as even trying to meditate didn't give me the inner peace I needed.

"Fine, I won't talk about being God, responsibilities, saving Agartha, blah blah blah, let's just have a bro to bro talk okay," Taehyung gleamed with an eye smile and I pursed my lips, thinking about his words.

Instead of responding, I simply laid myself next to him and he smiled merrily.

"How were things on Earth when I left you two?" Tae asked.

"Not as bad, we at least had some lead-" I said but Tae cut me off abruptly, raising his palm as a sign to make me stop.

"I clearly said we're not gonna talk about our responsibilities, didn't I? I meant how were your experiences on Earth?" Tae asked and I finally understood the depth of his question.

"Well, I didn't really go out and chose to be at Zelda's house every most of the time, the only times we really went out were for the Steele, otherwise, we just watched movies and ate a bunch of food, Earth food is great man," Jungkook said, gulping right after as a series of tastes flooded his mouth from his memories.

"So you probably spent a lot of time with Zelda, yes?" Tae asked, his normal box smile on display.

"Well of course, though I was mostly in my room," I said and Tae clapped like a little seal before getting up from his resting position and seating himself comfortably, I followed suit right after.

"How was she?" Tae asked.

"Zelda?" I asked and Tae nodded his head, his bangs bouncing with his movements and I blinked a bit confused.

"Oh come on, you were with her for so many days, survived thick and thin with her, you told me she also tried patching you up with mom right?" Tae asked as I watched him, my eyes were probably wide right now as I couldn't decipher what exactly he wanted from me.

"So?" I ask questionably and his eyes die down to look at me deadpanned.

"Haven't you guys become friends at least? That day when I walked in on you, you guys almost kiss-" Before Tae could finish that sentence I tackled him down and straddled his waist to ensure he didn't speak, my hand covered his big mouth so all the sounds that left were muffled up. Only then the door to my room opened up and both of us turned to the side to see Zelda watching us, equally confused.

She looked embarrassed and I could almost see the pink and red hues around her ears, it was only then that I noticed how racy our position probably looked like to a third person. I sat back down, getting off Tae and placing both my palms on my thighs and looking at my nails. The atmosphere grew awkward in less than ten seconds till Zelda cut the silence in the room.

"We can leave now, we still have a lot to do," Zelda tells me and I nod, getting up and stretching, as soon as she left the door I turned back to see Tae who was struggling to get back up, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to sit up straight again till I jumped on him.

My hands went to strangle his throat and his eyes widened in shock as he quickly used his powers and tried pushing me off him.

"What the fuck dude?! Five more seconds and I could've died you little bitch!" Taehyung yelled spitefully but I only rolled my eyes before imitating the older, he slapped my arm in return as we glared at each other.

"Jungkook!" I heard Zelda yell and it dawned upon me that we were supposed to leave now.

"Bye bye pussy." I said and before Taehyung could jump on me I teleported out of the scene, ready to go back to the hellish place we formally know as Earth.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now