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"You bitches really-" both I and Jungkook whipped our heads towards the bedroom door that slammed open and there stood Taehyung, equally surprised.

"Umm, I didn't mean to cockblock you bro, I'll wait downstairs if you want-"

"No, stay!" I squeaked out, not realizing my voice cracked and I could faint chuckles from Jungkook. Taehyung looked between the two of us, suspicion evident in his eyes before he lets the door open and comes closer to the two of us, quickly enveloping Jungkook in a brotherly embrace and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. The smile on my face died in a second when Taehyung let go of the hug to smack the back of Jungkook's head.

"Why did you roam around in Agartha when you clearly were told to not come back without the Steele?" Taehyung asked, his gleaming eyes now glaring at the two of us, his arms folded in front of his chest.

"It was because we 'roamed' around that we found something really important!" Jungkook retorted, clutching onto the back of his head that seemingly hurt pretty bad. Jungkook explained how going back to Agartha, even if it was just for a while helped us know of my real roots.

"That explains why your powers activated differently from that of your father," Taehyung said and the two younger ones nod their heads.

"Well, if what your mother said really is relevant, the current hellhounds and souls that are protecting the Steele must be under his control. If that's the way it is, we need to find your biological father,"

"Why would he do all of this only now, he could've captured the Steele easily while you were growing up here instead of Agartha," Taehyung voiced his opinion and Jungkook thought deeply before answering.

"If you think about it, Zelda is a mix, meaning her powers are far ahead compared to ours, he is a powerful man, he has a valid reason for wanting the Steele," Jungkook speaks and the atmosphere was far too tense.

"Or maybe he just wants Zelda?" Taehyung says and we look up at him for his explanation.

"Think about it, the Steele, along with Zelda's powers, they combined would be the perfect buffet of dominion to him. There's no other reason he needs," Taehyung told us and it only got us more worried.

"He's blood relation to you Zelda, he needs you to activate the powers of the Steele. Once you do it for him, he has no reason to have you by his side."

- - -

"Why is it so hard for you?" The tall man, buff and strong asked the shorter boy who had his eyes down, staring straight to the floors beneath.

"I brought you all the way to Earth for a reason and this is how you repay me?" The man scolds and the boy only remains silent. He looked up, his eyes holding the disappointment that he felt for himself.

"I did try and if anything, I know she has her powers completely, the coronation was done days back. They already have a part of the Steele and for sure they're gonna come for more when the time comes we can have the Steele all for ourselves and wretch her powers along."

"Forget it, you're all talk," the man complains and looks away, the veins around the back of his hands clenching in rage.

"Give me a chance father," the boy says, his father only sighed before raising his fingers, at once the boy felt a knot around his throat, the knot turning to a tight hold as he longed for oxygen. The boy's body levitated off the ground as the man worked the boy's body like a play doll. With one move of his fingers again the boy's fragile body was thrown towards the concrete walls.

"I need her wings, they hold most of her powers. While you're at it, kill her if you must," the man grunts, and the boy only nods before lifting himself off, not showing any signs of pain as he left the place.

He felt pain rush through his body but the mental stress hovering over him never decreased as the relationship between him and his father felt nothing more than that of an acquaintance. Regardless the boy just wanted to make his father proud, even if it meant to destroy another.


𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏☼︎𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now