Knocking softly on the door a familiar voice greets their ears. "Come in!" Stepping inside the duo find a skinnier version of Toshinori than was there before.
"Ah! Little Izuku and Nezu! How are you and what brings you two here?" Smiling softly Izuku sets Nezu onto one of the chairs before sitting down.

Grinning Nezu spreads his arms out with eccentric aura around him "We came for a visit! What else!?"

Yagi chuckles softly before coughing a little,
He waves off the looks of concern with a beaming grin "No need to worry about me! Now tell me! How have the both of you been!?"

"Well a little frustrated with the Hero Commission but there isn't much I can do about it. Now tell me, how has the hospital been treating you?" The grin on Toshinori's face gets bigger.

"It's been great! There's been a few staff who got a little excited but for the most part they have been treating me like any other person. It's quite nice!" Grabbing the glass of water from the bed side table he takes a small sip before putting it back "and what of you little Nezu?" A smirk appearing on his face.

Huffing softly and looking to the side with a pout "I thought I asked you not to call me that" soft chucking comes from her uncle before she clears her throat and turns back to look at him. "Anyway, things have been quite well! Made a new friend! He's very brash though in terms of being aggressive. But looking in-between what he says and taking a different meaning from them. He's quite nice and has been pushing us to train harder! We've even been working on cleaning Dagobah beach!" A bright grin appears on Yagi's face as well.

The rest of the visit is pleasant though the time comes for them to leave.

"Well Dear Yagi, it has been a pleasure chatting though we must go pick up groceries" getting down from his chair her motions for Izuku to follow.

"Pa.. I'd like to ask uncle Yagi that question?" Nodding thought fully he nods.

"Very well, I will see you in the lobby" nodding in return Izuku waits for pa to be out of ear shot.

"So what is the question you wish to ask my dear?" With a soft sigh from Izuku, Toshi raises an eye brow in curiosity.

"Look.. I ... I know you won't be able to do hero work for a long time like you would have been able to had you not been injured. ...." with Izuku taking a breath, Toshinori raises an eyebrow, curious as to where this could be going. "Getting to the point of the question ... I would like to copy your quirk. I know that it is something special, I just don't know the specifics. But point is, then even will all the quirks I can collect. I know that there will always be someone stronger than I ... there will be times I can't  save-" she is stopped by Toshinori raising a hand for her halt.

  Smiling softly he looks her dead in the eyes "I can see the fire in your eyes Young Nezu when you talk about helping others. I also know that even with hearing the knowledge that your biological father was a the big villain I was going after, you didn't react. Showing me that you have no interest of connecting with him.   There's also that fact the day that I had to babysit you so long ago, You defended a little kid from three bullies twice your size, you didn't even hesitate. But onto my quirk ... I don't know if you'll be able to copy it. Truth be told, your bio father couldn't take my quirk. But I've seen you grow up and become a wonderful young woman, and I trust you with a copy of my quirk if you can copy it that is. So go ahead and try." Izuku looks at him with wide eyes.

Izuku: Principal's KidWhere stories live. Discover now