Chapter 29

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I had Cara drive me back to the parking lot we were racing in. I was silent the whole time, and Cara knew not to speak up about anything.

When we left, she did ask what happened, but I didn't say anything. She nodded quickly and got into the car and drove off with me in the passenger seat.

I stared blankly out the window, rethinking about how I had fought with Aaron. I kept seeing his hurt face, hearing his soft, low voice, stomping away as he tried to figure out something to say to me to make me stop. But he didn't.

And that's what hurts the most.

Cara slowed down her car as she pulled into the parking lot. Everyone had left, as usual. She pulled into the parking space next to my beat up car and through her Dodge into park.

I glanced over at my Celica. Aaron was right. The whole front end was crumpled, but not a lot. The windshield had a few cracks in it. While one of the windows was completely shattered and devoid of glass.

Cara looked over at me, while I kept my eyes on my ruined car. My mouth was parted slightly, and all my hopes came crashing down around me with that beaten up Toyota. I took a deep breath.

"Are you sure your okay?" Cars asks, and I pull myself out of my thoughts. I look back at her, composing myself.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say with a tight smile, opening the door and getting out. I slam her door shut behind me, but Cara stops me.

"If you need anything, you know my number," she says, then pulls out of the spot and drives off. I watch as she disappears into a cloud of dust, and then I sigh.

Slowly, I walk towards my car. I set my hand on the door handle. I gently pulled the door open, more small pieces of glass falling onto the concrete. All the glass had been steeped out from inside the car, and everything seemed clean.

I sat down on the seat and slammed the door shut. I finally begin to feel hot tears sting my eyes as I grip the steering wheel. I take a deep breath, feeling the first tear fall down my face.

I shake my head and wipe my eyes, putting the keys into the ignition and waiting as the engine stutters, then comes to life.

I pull my car out of the parking lot and down the street. The entire time, I thought of all the chaos and the danger of all this. My parents could find out. I could die. Something could happen to me again, like the incident with Tony and his stupid followers, Leo and Ryan.

And I began to feel like I should give this up...

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