Chapter 28

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I wince in pain as the doctor wraps my leg up in a long, white bandage. I watch as the fabric presses into my cut. His fingers work quickly and carefully.

Cara leans against the wall next to me, glancing out the window. The doctor finishes bandaging my many wounds. He smiles at us both, before standing up and walking out of the room. Cara looks down at me, a dry smile on her face.

I wince as I move my knee a little, stretching it out. Cara walks over and sits next to me, and I groan in pain as I lean back in my seat. I run my fingers through my messy blonde hair, trying to brush out the tangles.

"I'm sorry about Suri," she says, talking about the brunette girl I raced with, "and I'm sorry about all this." She gestures down to my cut and bruised up body, all my bandages and blood.

I shake my head, closing my eyes and trying to drown out the pain. I rub my leg a little, trying to ease away the aching I felt all over my body. My head hurt, my legs hurt, my whole body hurt.

"I could care less about Suri," I say, opening my eyes and looking over at her, "mainly, all I care about is my car." I laugh a little.

I was being serious, so when Cara laughs a little, it makes me smile. I watch as she smiles and my smile grows bigger.

"Thanks, by the way," I tell her. She looks over at me, surprised almost. She was probably confused that a girl she was barely friends with was thanking her for practically saving her life.

"Your welcome," she whispers breathy, with a bright smile. She turns away and runs her fingers through her blonde hair.

The door opens and the doctor steps in, looking at us with a small smile. I stand up and wince a little with the pain of the cuts. He has his hand on the door, popping his head into the room.

"Someone's here to see you," he says, looking straight at me, opening the door and letting me out into the waiting room. I walk out cautiously, hoping it wasn't my parents. If it was, then I would know that they know. And my secret would be exposed.

I walk down the hallway with Cara in tow, towards the waiting area. When I get there, I see Aaron there, looking at the ground nervously. I can see his fingers tapping absentmindedly on the arm of the chair.

I step in, and his eye drift up to my face. He stands up fast, his hands at his sides. I can still see a sense of fear in his eyes, but mostly just worry.

"Luna," he breathes. I stare at him for a minute, my face expressionless. I feel this feeling inside me that he didn't seem to care when I crashed, but I knew that wasn't true. He was shaken up, too terrified to move.

Aaron walked slowly towards me, wrapping his arms around my back and holding me. I stand there motionless, looking over his shoulder at the blank wall, and then slowly close my eyes and wrap my arms around him lightly.

We pull away when I wince and cry out in pain. I grab my knee in pain and back up from him as he sits down. He gestures to the seat next to him, and I carefully fall into it. He looks over at me, with me rubbing my aching wounds.

"Can I talk to you?" We both say at the same time. I laugh a little and look away. Cara leans awkwardly on the doorframe. She sees us just sitting there awkwardly, and leans back up.

"I'm just going to go and leave you two alone," she tells us, and walks out of the room quickly. Once she's gone, and I hear the door click, I turn back to Aaron.

"I'm sorry," he starts to say, "I'm sorry j couldn't be there to help you. It's just, I was terrified. When I saw you crash, I had so many flashbacks about the crash with my father..."

I stare at him, wide eyed. He takes a few shaky deep breathes, before continuing.

"I was paralyzed," he says, his voice breaking, "I was scared that it had become that crash with my dad, and I had lost you or..."

"It's okay, Aaron," I say quickly, cutting him off, "I get it. I'm okay now." He gives me a smile, and then turns back to the wall.

I wince as I try to move my leg a little, hoping to make it feel a little better. Aaron looks over at me.

"How's my car?" I ask, opening my eyes a little and setting my leg down gingerly on the ground. He chuckles.

"It's pretty beat up, but it still runs. The front end is crumpled, but the engine is okay, luckily. I managed to pull it into the parking lot. Its funny how the first thing you ask is if your car is okay," he tells me with a laugh.

"I still wanna be able to race when I can," I say.

His smile fades a little, and he glances over at me.

"Should you really continue racing?" he says carefully, knowing this is a touchy subject.

My smile melts away and i just stare at him, dumbfounded.

"Wait, what?" I say, trying to process what he said.

He shifts uncomfortably in his chair and faces me again.

"You know, you could get hurt. This is too dangerous, Luna," he warns.

I stand up suddenly, anger bubbling in me. My leg cried out in pain, but I didn't care. He had no right to choose what I can and can't do.

"Racing is my life, Aaron. You know this," I say harshly and he avoids my gaze.

"I know, Luna," he says, his voice growing quiet, "I'm trying to think of whats best for you..."

I cut him off sharply.

"I dont need you to be all over me, Aaron," I say, "you're not my dad."

He takes a breath to say something, but I turn sharply and stomp out of the room, leaving him alone.

I don't even look back.

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