Chapter 25

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The tires crunched on the gravel of the parking lot as I pulled into the place where the races were. Everyone was sitting around, talking and having fun, like they usually do. I notice Tony staying far from where I park my car, glaring at me. He knew his 'job' has failed.

All at once, my anger and hatred towards him came back. I parked the car fast and got out, slamming the door loudly behind me. Everyone heard the loud car door and got quiet, turning and looking at me. I stomped over to Tony.

He stands up straighter when he sees me walking towards him, and a cold smile spreads across his face. I narrow my eyes at him, clenching my fists by my side.

Before he had a chance to register what was happening, I slammed my already clenched fist into his face. He staggered back, gasping and putting his hands up to his face. I put my hands on my hips as I wait for him to stand back up.

I glare at him as he recovers, standing up straighter. His brown eyes are wide with anger.

"How dare you send in people to kill me?! What the heck is wrong with you!?" I shout. Everyone else around me stops and watches us, as I glare at Tony with my hard gray eyes.

He rubs his jaw a little and returns the glare to me. His messy black hair is falling into his face, and he moves it away.

"I bet money on that race! You ruined everything!" He counters, "I have a bad reputation because of a stupid girl!"

I grit my teeth as I try my hardest not to wrap my fingers around his neck.

"It's not my fault I beat your sorry-" I start to say, pulling my hand back to hit him, but then someone grabs my raised hand and stops me. I glance back to see Aaron holding my wrist, holding me back.

"Woah, Luna, he isn't even worth it," he tells me as I pull my hand free from his and set it down by my side. I glare back at Tony really quickly, while Aaron watches us.

"He isn't even worth it," I mutter, as I turn on my heel and walk a few steps away from Tony with Aaron by my side. Everyone else is silent, staring at us with open mouths.

While I'm walking away, I hear Tony mumble something under his breath that catches my attention.

"Of course, walk away from a fight like you always do," he mutters, and I whirl around quicker than lightning, lunging myself at him.

"That's it," I say, running back towards Tony. Aaron scrambles to hold me back as I claw at Tony, "you wanna know why you lost? It's because your car is crap, and so are you, you hideous, ugly..."

I shout at him, and he just stares at me in return, not sure what to say. Aaron holds me back by my shoulders, and I slowly calm down as he leads me away from Tony.

"Idiot," I mumble about Tony quietly, while Aaron throws his arm around my shoulders lightly, smiling to himself. He chuckles a little, shaking his head.

"I know, Luna," he says, looking down at me, and then back at Tony, who is glaring at us angrily, "I know, he is."

I glare back at Tony, and by the look on his face, I know this isn't over yet. His cold eyes cut through my like knives. I just scoff and turn away.

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