A Fun Day

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Barry's Pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, I yawned and turned it off. I grabbed my outfit for today. I wasn't sure what to go for but I decided to go with a plain gray shirt and some black pants. I went to the kitchen and made some breakfast. I was having Eggs and Bacon. After I finished eating I headed out the door and locked it. I ran to Jitters to get my coffee and payed for it. I headed to Star Labs to see what they were up to on a saturday morning at 7:30.
I went up the elevator and went to the Cortex. When I got there I saw Caitlyn and Cisco sitting at their chairs. Caitlyn looked so Beautiful today wearing her classic lab coat, black heals and a purple long sleeve shirt with blue jean shorts. Ralph was in the med bay as usual. But, when I turned around I saw him walking into the Cortex. He walks over to Caitlyn, my guess is to flirt with her.

Ralph says,"Hey Caitlyn you look good this morning".

Awkwardly Caitlyn says,"uh thank you Ralph".

She walked away, not sure where though. I ran after her, she was in the Med Bay sitting on the bed.

3rd Person Pov

In a sad tone Caitlyn says,"Oh hey Barry whats up".

With concern Barry said,"Nothing just came to check on you"

Lieing Caitlyn says,"I'm fine".

Caitlyn walks out of the Med Bay heading to the Cortex. She sits down in her chair and gets to work on somthing. Ralph walked over to Cisco.

Ralph wispers to Cisco,"Is she single".

Cisco wanting to be a good friend to Barry he wanted to say no. But he had tell the truth to Ralph.

Cisco nervously relpies,"Yess-- she is single".

So Ralph walks over to caitlyn and says,"Hey wanna go out to Jitters with me Cait".

Caitlyn relplies,"I would love to but today I'm kinda busy, sorry".

Ralphs walks away to the lobby to leave. He felt shut down, but he knew he'd get her soon.

Barry's Pov

I hear Ralph talking to My Future Wifey, he tried to ask her out. But she turned him down luckily for me. It was around 4:00 so I decided to go home for the day. I'm walking to the lobby when I hear clicking heels behind me. Knowing who it was, I turned around and stopped.

Caitlyns says,"Hey Barry waitI was wondering if you wanted to go to my cousin Kevin's Birthday party."

Kinda shocked I replied,"Sure what time is it".

Caitlyn bitting her lip she says,"In 30 mins, Sorry for the late notice".

I relpied,"How about I take us there just tell me where to go".

She nodded.

I picked her up bridal style and said,"Hold on tight".

She held on to me and we were off she told me what street to take and in 3 mins we were there. I sat her down at the door step of her Cousin's House. And I knocked on the door.
Before they came to the door I said,"Wait did you get him a present".

Caitlyn replied,"Yeah its in my purse".

So they opened the door and we walked in. We were greeted by her Aunt Martha. Apparently Kevin was six years old today. Wow was not expecting that.

Martha spoke up and said,"Caitlyn it was wonderful for you to invite your boyfriend".

Caitlyn nervously replied,"Aunt Martha--he is just my friend Barry".

Aunt Martha replied,"Ok honey whatever you say."

I wished she didn't say anything since her Aunt thought I was her boyfriend. After we ate, it was time for the Birthday Boy to blow out candles on his cake. They sliced the cake it was Superman themed cake. It was delicious though. After we were done Kevin got to open his presents. So we went to the living room.
Kevin sat in the middle and he opened gift after gift and finially it was Caitlyn's gift. So she handed him the gift bag and he pulled out a Flash figure. I didn't know they even had those. His face went from happy to overly excited. After that it was time to go so we said thank you and headed out the door.

I asked,"Ready to go Cait"

She replied,"Of course".

So I picked her up and we headed for Star Labs. I put her down by her car and said,"I had lots of fun thanks for inviting me."

Caitlyn replied," No problem, anytime".

I replied, Ok goodnight Cait".

She said,"Night Barry".

I gave her a hug and she got in her car and drove off. I flashed off after and headed to my apartment. I unlocked my door and closed and locked it behind me. I signed, today really was a good day. I got ready for bed and hoped up there and turned off the lights and went to bed.

~Author's Note~
I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I got the suggestion about the birthday party from a really good friend of mine. Please go check out one of their books. Names down below.
Don't forget to comment and vote thanks, Wolfie❤

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