Let's Have Some Fun!

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Barry still couldn't get over the fact she was here. Neither could Cisco. It had been eight months it was almost Christmas and she was back. She would never leave again. Barry could of stayed there with her all day but, the sudden robbery  alarm went off. Which startled them. Barry changed into his suit and ran to Jitters. There was a woman robbing the cash register. She had a gun. Barry swiped it out of her hands and she surrendered. Since she didn't have a back up weapon. He walked her out the door to the police. They took her into custody. Barry ran back to Star Labs and changed out of his suit. When he walked into the Cortex he saw Ralph. Did Ralph even know they were dating? He would test that theory. He walked over to Caitlyn and kissed her on the lips.
Ralph was shocked. He must of won the bet then.
"I won Cisco in your face." Ralph cheered

"Yeah right I've known since their first date." Cisco replied

"Wait, you guys bet on us?" Caitlyn asked

"Yeah five bucks." Cisco said

"Yep I even flirted with Caitlyn to make Barry jealous." Ralph responded

Caitlyn and Barry exchanged a look. They both started laughing.

"Are you guys hopless romantics." Caitlyn questioned

They both smirked and nodded. Ralph had to leave since he had to meet with a family member. So he said. Ralph smiley lightly to himself as he walked out of the Cortex. 'He was totally a romantic'
Barry had the greatest idea. They could have a movie night.

"Hey we should have a movie night." Barry exclaimed

"I'll think about it." Cisco replied

Cisco walked out of the Cortex and left for Jitters. He was starving and could go for a coffee right now. When he arrived he walked in and saw a familiar face. Iris West siting at a table writing. He walked over to her a took a seat. Iris looked up from her writting and saw Cisco.

"Cisco, how are you?" She asked

"I'm great. You?" He replied

"Well I've been backed up with work." She signed

"So you could use a break." He asked

"Actually yeah." She said

"What about drinks tonight." He asked

"I would love too!" She exclaimed

~Star Labs~
Barry and Caitlyn were starting to get really hungry. So Barry decided to take her out for lunch. They went to Big Belly Burger for some food. When they finished eating they walked to the park and sat on a bench. After sitting there in silence Barry's phone started ringing. He answered it.

"Hey Barry."

"Oh, hey Cisco how was Jitters." He asked

"It was great I even have drinks with a girl." Cisco smirked

"Really? This isn't one of your jokes again." Barry laughed

"No shes a real person." He replied

"Who's this lucky lady's name then?" He questioned.

"Um...her name is Iris West." He replied

"Wow that's a suprise." Barry said

After that they got off the phone. Barry said,"Looks like it's just me and you tonight."

"That's fine what's up with Cisxo." She asked

"Oh he great, he's got a date." He replied

Caitlyn started laughing so hard. "With who?" She questioned


Caitlyn was a little shocked. But, what they say is true oposites attract. Speed and cold are oposites. Cisco likes Star Wars and is a complete nerd. While Iris a stunning woman with great features.

~▪Later that Night▪~
Caitlyn and Barry were curled up on the couch together. Caitlyn buried her head into his chest. They were watching a horror movie. Caitlyn couldn't stand those movies. It gave her the creeps. Even if it was fake. But some meta humans do look like Freddy Crooger. When the movie was over Caitlyn was passed out on Barry. Even though they just watched as horror movie she looked so peaceful. Barry picked up Caitlyn and carried her to his bedroom. He climbed in bed and fell asleep.

The Next Day Barry got up bright and early to make pancakes. When he finished making them he ran to Jitters for coffee. When he arrived back with the coffee Caitlyn was walking into the kitchen. He sat their coffee down and pulled her into a kiss. He lead her to the table and they started eating breakfast. Barey had ate his food so fast. He was starving. Then again he was a speedster. So he had a large appetite to fill. When they finished eating they went to get dressed. Caitlyn had brought clothes since she figured she was spending the night. When they finished getting dressed Barey brought Caitlyn to Star Labs. He gave he a kiss and left for work. When Cisco walked in you could tell he was in a good mood. When you looked at him it's like his face shined.

"Cisco are you ok." Caitlyn asked since she noticed he was staring off into space.

"Yep." He replied

"Soooo, tell me about your night." She asked

"It was amazing. I learned a lot about Iris. Like how slow she drinks her alcohol. She's so adorable. And that smile." Just thinking about her made him smile.

At that moment Caitlyn new Cisco and Iris were developing somthing new. Somthing you wouldn't expect from those two.

~Author's Note~
I'm sorry if this chapter was shorter than usual. But, I hope you enjoyed it anyways. What's your guy's opinion on Iris and Cisco. Do you ship them? Tell me in the comments!
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