The Science Project -13-

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Bethany how could you!


I woke up again and noticed that I was still in my clothes from this morning, so I just went to the kitchen and made some breakfast. Bethany was texting me asking what some of the stuff was that Luke gave her. She ruined our project so she is going to fix it. Well not fix it, Luke and I are going to fix it but, never mind.

I didn't have anything to do because I had finished my homework and studied already. I was watching some T.V when someone rang my doorbell. I got up from my show to see who it was. It was Sam.

"Hey Sam, what are you doing here?" I asked him

"I came to check on you" He told me

"Ok but why you never do that?"

"Well can I just come inside real quick so we can talk?"

I shook my head yes and let him in. We sat down on the couch and I faced him and he did the same.

"Well first off I wanted to say that Luke told me something that really shocked me and I wanted to know if you liked him. Like, like like him"

Was he being serious right now

"Of course I don't like him. The only reason I'm associating myself with him is because we're partners and I really want to get a good grade. We have a really cool thing coming up and I think this will higher me I.Q"

He looked at me like I was weird

"What a higher I.Q, you have brains that are out of this world, what do you need a higher I.Q for?" He asked

"To get into Harvard duh!"

"You're practically already accepted. But I just wanted to know because you know he is reckless and I don't really want anything to happen to you"

"Ok I understand, but the fact that you thought I would like him even as a friend would be ridiculous. And what did he tell you that made you ask this question anyway?"

Sam looked at his watch and said that he was late for something. I asked him what but he left before I could get an answer.


It's around noon and I've been stuck in the house pretty much all day. I wanted to do something with my life so I went for a run. And plus I missed it from this morning's incident. While I was listening to music I feel like I'm being watched so I fasten my pace. I turn a corner and so does the person behind me. I lower the volume so I can concentrate better and when I stop the other person runs into me.

"Ow! what the heck!" the person said

"Hey, watch where you're going" I said getting up from the ground

I look to see who the culprit was and it's Luke. Why does he have to run when I run.

"Oh come on really!" I say out loud

"What's wrong with you?" He says to me

"Why do you have to run the same time as me...wait were you the person that was following me?" I asked him

"What n-no what, who was following you?"

"Oh never mind, I'll see you on Monday" I said making my way back home. When I got home I made my way to my room to take a shower. I feel like I've been up for too long. After my shower I head downstairs to make some dinner for myself. I hate cooking because that's the only thing my mother taught me; was to cook. I eat my chicken and veggies while I'm looking on my phone. I then get a text from Luke saying that Bethany got the supplies and that I need to come over and help him, but I told him that it was late and that I thought we were going to work on it at school. He said he doesn't care and to come over anyway.

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