The Science Project -9-

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Hey Peeps!


After lunch I headed off to my history class which Luke was in of course nobody else, that I talk to.

Well I don't talk to him either but someone I know

I enter the room and all of the seats are taken in the front row. This never happens. I'm always the one in the first two rows at least. I have to now sit in the back which now I won't be able to hear or concentrate on what the teacher has to say.

I get out my history homework and wait for the teacher to come around and collect it. I get out my notepad and start writing in it. Or more like coloring in it. I look up to see Luke enter the room. Automatically the girls start to fix their hair and their shirts because they know that he's in here. He sits in the row ahead of me but is right across from me. So if he looks back he will see me and cause trouble.

We are assigned to read a couple pages of the book and answer questions like we do everyday. When I'm working on mine, Luke gets up from his seat and places the book and his paper on top of my stuff and sits back down. Um what is he doing, I thought I told him that I wasn't going to be doing his homework.

Everyone around me is laughing and Luke is just listening to his music. So I built up the courage and walked over to his desk and placed the book and paper back on his desk and went back to my seat.

I was done with my assignment and decided to turn it in early. I went over to the front and placed my paper in the tray and when I got back to my desk Luke's stuff was on my desk. Of course everyone thought this was a game or something so I put it back and he finally turned around.

"What are you doing!"

"Um..remember when I said that I wasn't going to be doing any of your assignments yeah that includes homework, quizzes, tests and projects." I said with a smile

"Well I don't like that rule so could you hurry up I can't afford to have homework tonight" he said turning to his desk and grabbing his book and put it back on my desk.

"Um..Mrs. Avery can I please use the restroom" I said raising my hand

"Sure and you can take your stuff since the bell is about to ring" she said with a smile

I got up and grabbed my stuff, also taking Luke's book and slamming it on his table.

"I am not doing your work!" and with that I left and went to the rest room.


After history I had gym but the teacher wasn't there so we had a studyhall instead which let me have enough time to read and finish up a paper that's due next week. The bell rang and I headed off to last period. Science. I noticed Bethany out in the hall like she was waiting for me.

"Hey!" she said

"Hey! didn't think you were going to wait for me"

"Well a girl can dream can't she"

We entered the class and sat down in the front row this time. When most of the class was here Luke came in and when he saw me he wasn't happy. Crap and I forgot he's my lab partner.

"You, what you did in history was out of line. How do you expect me to get a passing grade when you're not there to do it for me"

He looks so hot when he's mad.

"It's not my fault you don't pay attention in class" I said getting out my things. He looked over to Bethany and then looked at me.

"Well next time don't do that or you'll regret it"

"It's not her fault you're dumb!" Bethany said

"No one was talking to you Bethany" he said leaving our table

"See ya brother!" she with a smile


"He's your brother. Luke Miles is your brother?"

"Yeah more like twin brother" she said looking at her text book

"Luke is your twin brother. He doesn't even look like you"

"Yeah, well if you see me with all this makeup off then you'd see we look alike"

"Wow, so how come I've never heard of you before. I've known Luke ever since preschool and he's never mention any sister?"

"I was sent away to live with my aunt in Canada for awhile. I was allowed back in the house when I turned 18. Lets just say I was a problem child even in preschool." she said looking at me

"Oh, so have you always been into emo stuff or are you just getting into it?"

"I've been like this for awhile now." When we stopped talking we had to get back into our groups for our project and I asked to go to my locker to get the things needed for our project. Once I was done I went up to Luke and put the stuff on our table. He didn't look up from his notebook he was drawing in. I've always known him to be great at drawing but the picture he was drawing looked like someone I knew.

"Excuse me could you back up!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled at him while picking up the toilet role.

"What's that for?" he asked

"For our project duh, I was thinking we could do ours on recyclable toilet paper". He looked disgusted

"Um, we are not doing that. I don't think half of this school would want to re-use toilet paper after using the restroom". He said to me

"Well I already bought the stuff and I don't see you coming up with anything better"

"Well, if you come by my place after school then I can show you what I want us to do" he said getting his things and exiting the building.

I can't believe he just left me there. I want over to Bethany and she wasn't doing anything because she didn't have a partner yet so she was excused from the project right now.

"What's up"

"Um..I think your brother just invited me over to your guys' place" I said still not believing it

"Really? well I guess he really wants you over" she said laughing to herself

"Hey what's going on?" Sam said from behind us and coming over to our table

I noticed Bethany looking at him like she saw the hottest guy in the world

"Luke just invited me over their house" I said to Sam and he looked down and saw Bethany. He too was staring pretty intensely at her

"Really!, he hasn't even let me come over yet and we've been friends for 7 years"

Maybe somethings wrong with me because how can someone like Luke invite me over to his place and did not even invite Sam over for 7 years. Maybe he's hiding something that I don't know about and wants to share it with me and not them.

-After school-

I go to my locker and grab my things for work because I got a new job at this clothing store, because my old job fired me because of the way I dressed. I say by to Sam and Bethany who are talking by Bethany's locker and I make my way to my car.


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