The Science Project -2-

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Hi guys hope your having a wonderful day!


I wake up every morning and go for a quick 30 minute run. Ever since I started changing I've decided to work on my body image as well.

I get my clothes on and head out the door. I see my brother on the couch sleeping but don't bother to mess with him until I get back. Once I'm out the door I turn on my Ipod and turn on some music. I've really wanted to make this change because I wanted people to see that the old Tabby was scared and afraid but the new Tabby is well and alive.

To be honest I like being the nerd sometimes. Because when you go to class you don't get picked on by the teachers or you don't get called to the principals office for vandalizing the schools parking lot.

While running I see a stray cat. We don't get lots of strays because I live in the wealthy part of town just like half of my school but they always seem to pop up.

I finish up my last lap around the neighborhood and go to my house and take a nice relaxing shower. Don't you just love it when after a good workout or a good day you hop in the shower and the hot water just takes away all the pain you've been through. Yeah, I like that.

I get out and head downstairs to make some breakfast for my brother and even though I know he won't be waking up for another 4 hours I still make it because he's a horrible cook.

After I make myself some breakfast I go back upstairs and grab my school bag and gym bag and head to my car. I have a nice red super sport with black leather seats engraved with red stitching I got it for my sixteenth birthday my freshman year when I got my licence.

I head to school and park anywhere I want. As I'm walking out with my high-water pants and converse I head over to my locker. The funny thing is the only decent looking clothes that I own are me workout clothes. So when finding out that we have to play gym with the boys this week is really scary because Luke will be in there and he will be looking for me because I forgot to turn in his paper yesterday.

I was up all night trying to do mine that I forgot. So when I went to homeroom today he came up to me and asked where It was. I couldn't lie because everyone on this earth knows I'm a bad liar. I had to tell him that I couldn't get it done but I will have it done at the end of the day.

Of course being the over dramatic person that he is he yelled at me before the teacher came in and then he said that he'll see me in gym class. Hence me finding out we have gym with the boys this entire week.


Gym class is my third period of the day. I have been worked up about this period all day, I don't know what Luke is intending on doing to me but I was scared. I head to the locker room and put on my gym clothes. All the girls had on short shorts and either a tank top or a sports bra on. And I'm over here with some yoga pants and a t-shirt that has unicorns on it.

I never said my gym wardrobe was awesome just decent. I headed in the gym and took my seat next to Sam. We chatted for awhile until Mr. Brooks or coach as we call him finally showed up.

"Alright class outside!" he yelled and then blew his whistle

I hated going outside for gym. Every time we'd go out it could either be for drills or for my least favorite sport.



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