The Science Project -18-

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Tabby moves in!


Today was the day my parents left me again. My mom was telling me to keep the doors locked and to make sure that when I'm done packing that I go straight over to the Miles' place.

"So make sure you lock the door when you leave, we don't want that burglar coming back and breaking into our house. OK bye sweetie" She says kissing my forehead and making her way down to the car with my dad.

I close the door and lock it and head up to my room. I can't believe she actually thinks I'm going to be going over to the Miles' to stay for over a month. Nope, not going to happen. I go up to my room and start on the paper Luke and I have to do for our project. We're almost half way done with it but we just need the spray to help with the duration of the cut.

I'm on my last sentence, when I see my window opening and in comes Bethany and Luke.

"Do I have to keep a bodyguard in my room 24/7?" I asked Luke in particular

"I said it once I'll say it again, It's not that hard to pick a lock on a window" He says going over to sit on my bed.

"Well it is for me, I can't even open a pickle jar without trying to break my wrist." I say turning my chair around to face him and Bethany.

"So are you ready to go?" She asks me

"Ready to go where?"

"To our house duh, did you forget that you are staying with us for a while?"

"No, I just didn't think you guys actually thought I was going" I say turning back around and saving the paper onto my drive and desktop.

"Well yeah we did think you were coming so come on, Bethany's dragging us out today" Luke says to me getting up and walking closer to me.

"I don't even have my bags packed" I told them

"What!" Bethany says shocked

"I wasn't planning on coming over" I say to her getting up and going over to my bookcase and picking out a book to read. Bethany goes over to my closet and takes out one of my suite cases. She then proceeds to put it on my bed and dump clothes in there.

"OK, I can't do it anymore!" Bethany says out loud. "We need to get you a new wardrobe. I've been trying to be a good friend here by not saying anything but you really need to stop wearing things like...this, what is this?" She says holding up my hello kitty t-shirt that I got from the fair a couple years ago with my brother.

"It's a shirt and no I don't. I like my clothes they suit my personality" I say putting the shirt under my covers so she doesn't take it.

"Get up! Get up NOW!" Bethany says scaring me. I do as she says and she comes over to me and starts dragging me downstairs.

"Hey where are we going?" I ask trying to get out of her grip.

"Luke get her keys!" Bethany says opening the front door and pulling me to my car. The door was open and she throws me into the back seat. I try and get out but Bethany put the child lock on and Luke and Bethany were now in the front of my car.

"Where are we going Bethany?" I say getting really annoyed

"We're getting you a new wardrobe, Luke to the Mall!" Bethany says pointing her finger out like the mall was right there. Luke laughs at her and starts the car.


We were pulling into the parking garage when Bethany spoke up

"So I was thinking about giving you a make over."

I look at her with wide eyes as we exited the car and made our way inside the building.

"What do you mean?" I ask her

"I mean we are going full out. We are giving you a whole new look, from head to toe" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me into a store that I wouldn't normally go into.

She made me try on so many pairs of jeans that I felt like I wasn't going to have any legs by the end of the day. We managed to get 10 pairs of pants and 5 pairs of shorts, let me just tell you, those shorts are not shorts those are underwear. But I ended up getting them because they looked really nice but I wouldn't wear them just yet.

We went to about four more stores and we got lots of shirts and jewelry to go with the jeans. Then some different night wear because she said that nobody would want to see that when they're about to go to bed.

Luke was holding some of our bags because we literally got me a whole new wardrobe and Bethany had gotten some things as well. We made our way over to the food court because Bethany and I were getting hungry and I didn't want to go anywhere else today. I was shopped out. I got Panda Express and Bethany and Luke got Five Guy's. The funny thing about it is that they ordered the same thing and they put the same condiments on it. They also eat the same I didn't realize that. Well they are twins so I guess that's why.

When we finished eating we headed back to the car and they took me to my house because Bethany wanted to see what my clothes looked like. I don't know why but she already does. She goes to my closet and starts throwing my clothes on the floor.

"Nope, Ew, you have any decent clothes we can keep?" She asks me

"Yes I do and I don't appreciate you throwing my things on the ground." I say picking them up but having them thrown back on the ground. I just sit on my bed and read while Luke is sitting at my desk looking at something on his phone.

"I've got to go guys so I'll see you later" Luke says getting up

"Wait, where are you going. You have to help me with this" Bethany said to him

"Did it look like I was helping before...I got to go, bye Tabby" He says exiting my house

We ended up throwing away all my clothes except for my workout clothes and some of my jewelry. Bethany said that I would have to buy more clothes since she threw out all of my other clothes.

We were now packing my bags and Bethany is telling me all the things she wants us to do when we get there. But I honestly just want to take a nap. 

"So are you going to go buy the spray for our project because that's the last thing we need?" I ask Bethany

"Oh yea about that...I lost the list" She says while she puts things in my miscellaneous bag

"You know I'm starting to think you don't want Luke and I to finish this project" I say to her

"You guys have weeks before it's due you should take a break from it and live a little"

"I have been living a little, you take me to every party in town. And I don't want to take a break from it because what if it doesn't work, then we have to fix it and if we don't have enough time to fix it then we're screwed!" I say taking my bag and putting it on the floor.

"Are you ready to go I want to take a nap" I say walking out of my room and heading downstairs. We head to my car and I drive us over to her house. It's not like I don't mind staying its just that I have to be there for over a month and there's just so much I can take with the Miles'.

"We're here!" Bethany says getting out of the car like I've never been here before.

"I know" We grab my bags and walk over to the house. Bethany goes over to the door and stops.

"Welcome to your new home!" She's says to overly excited


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