The Science Project -3-

312 13 1

Beep. Beep. Beep


We all head outside and of course we're playing kickball. Now in my defense I've never been good at kickball because it involves running and I'm not really great with running. But ever since I've started adding running to my daily routine it pretty much means I'm faster than I was.

We pick captains for each team, which means I'm going to be the last one anyone wants to pick. Luke of course is one of the captains and then its Sam. Hopefully Sam picks me at least fifth because I always get picked last.

Actually scratch that I don't get picked at all. I get called to be on whose ever team did not call me.

So when Sam picks he says a guys name and I don't really look at him but I can tell he's probably really good at running.

The picks drag on and I'm the last one but at least I don't have to be on Luke's team. Once we all assemble who gets to kick and who gets to throw we're up. I am standing by the plate and Luke is the one to roll the ball. I look him dead in the eyes and he smiles.

I don't like that smile but he has no idea what's coming to him and his team. He rolls the ball with all his might and I kick the ball as hard as I can and It starts going in the air, away from the field.

I didn't realize that I had kicked it really hard because Sam was telling me to run. So that's what I did. I ran so fast it was like no one was there just me and the plates. I made it all the way around and scored the team 3 points for making a home run.

Everyone on the other team was speechless especially Luke. I think I made him even more mad at me. We kept going around and around. We switched sides after about half of our people could go.

So I was on first base and Luke was up for the running.

He looked at me before he kicked the ball and It went really far just like mine did. He made it to home base and pushed me on the ground.

"Opps did I hurt you!" He whined in a fake way to make me humiliated.

"No just made you look stupid" I said while getting up and dusting myself off.

"What did you just say you little twit?" He asked with evil in his eyes

He doesn't know that this year is going to be different. He won't be the one bullying me around anymore. I will stand up for myself and whether he likes it or not, he's going to have to deal with it.

"I sa-said no that little stunt you just pulled made you look stupid" I told him a little scared at first but then gained confidence in myself to tell him straight up

Before he could do any damage our coach came and broke us up.

"OK you two break it up or I'll have to report you both to the principals office" he said

We got back to the game and we won by 7 points. Every single time I'm on a team we never win because I'm in it, but this is the first time and I felt really good about myself.

After gym I went to math class and it was boring because all we did was check our homework and got assigned another assignment that we have to do online.

I headed to the last period of the day which was science. I'm not really a fan of science but I have to keep my head up if I want to someday make it into Harvard.

I take my seat in the front and someone takes a seat next to me.

It was Sam.

"Hey" he said putting his things down

"Hey" I said back and then noticed Luke starring at us in the corner of my eye.

"Hey Sam come sit over here!" Luke said waving his hand to have Sam over there.

Sam looked at me apologetically and moved over to sit with the popular crowd. I don't mind him sitting there because at the end of the day they'll never see each other again.


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