The Science Project -26-

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Tabby's Pj's


Today is the day I go back to my own house. I'm excited but sad at the same time.

I am going to miss Luke waking me up every morning to go on our run, what I'm not going to miss is Bethany waking me up on the weekends like it's a school day. I don't want to wake up at six to go out, it's the weekend!.

"Do you have everything?" Bethany asks me as I'm heading down the stairs

"Yes mom!" I say to her

"I'm going to miss you" Bethany says like she's about to cry

"Beth my house is literally down the street you can just walk to my house, it's not like in live on Elm Street." I say to her


I grab my keys and open the door to go to my car.

"Bye Bethany!" I yell from my car

"Bye girl! See you on Monday"

I hop into my car and start the engine. Home sweet home.

"Glad to be home" I say to myself

I get out of the car and grab my things, making my way into my house.

I close the door and head up to my room. Once there I decide to take a shower to wash away all the stress that I've been having and the fact that I only have 3 months of school left.

Ring ring

I hear my phone ringing and pick it up


"Girl!...guess what?"


"I applied for a college!"

I had to move the phone away from my ear because Bethany was screaming in the phone.

"Really that's great, what college?"

"A community college not too far from here"

"That's awesome!"

"Yup and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get accepted"

"Of course you are, you're Bethany Miles"

"Heck yea I am...anyway I heard you applied at Harvard, girl you do know that only a few are picked a year. That's a really hard school to get into"

"I know...but I'm positive that I'll get in. But if I don't then I'll just go to OSU."

"Ohio State University!, you want to go all the way to Ohio?"

"Hey that school is pretty great and it's like the number one college in Ohio"

"True and it's pretty easy to get into, maybe I'll apply there too"

"Yea we both should and if we don't get into the college we want then we'll just go there together!"

"That'd be awesome!"

"Anyway I have to go, I really want to go shower..."

"Fine, bye bye"


I hang up the phone and head to my shower.


I finished putting on my pj's and went downstairs to make something to eat.

I heard rustling in my kitchen.


No one answered

I round the corner and see Luke eating something from a bowl.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"I came to talk" he said with a mouthful of food

"About what?"


I rolled my eyes at him and went to the fridge to grab some cheese. Grilled Cheese for me tonight.

"What about it?" I say turning on the stove.

"We need to know what we're going to be doing when we graduate, I heard you applied to Harvard" I turn around and he was finished eating

"Yeah I did, but I don't know if I got in yet. They haven't sent out the letters."

"What if you get in?"

"Well that was my plan for like my entire life."

He was starring me up and down, probably looking at my clothes.

"I talked to Bethany and I told her that if I didn't get in that I would apply to Ohio State."


"Yeah! I was like we should both apply and we can just both go..."

"So you don't mind a long distance relationship?" He asked

"Nope...because I know we'll last" I say making my sandwich and putting it in the buttery pan.

"Really!...I thought you didn't want to do something like that"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You seem like the type of person that wouldn't care for that kind of thing"

I went around the counter and sat next to him.

"Well I'm not that type of person, and if I don't get in to Harvard then I'll get to see you all the time!" I say and kissed him on the cheek.

I got up and went to go flip the sandwich over. Yum golden brown just how I like it.


Luke stayed over for a little longer and when he left I really got to thinking. Was this going to work? Having a long distance relationship.

I went up to my room and got into bed and started to read a new book that I bought. I looked over from my bed and saw that my bookcase was leaning a little.

I really need a new bookcase.


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