"Hey!" You called out, unsure if a snake had proper hearing. You fired once at the snake's head, seeing the sharp bullet graze make an indent with the damaged scales along the snake's lower jaw.
The head turned, just like you wanted it to. You narrowed your eyes, aiming your gun to your intended target, not spending another second to waste before firing.

The bullet soared into the snake's right eye, causing it to burst with a sickly pop like a blister.
The snake's mouth opened, letting out a loud irritating hiss as his head retracted from immense pain. The hiss continued, the wounded eye now squeezed shut, leaking a thin stream of blood down its face as its head bent and flicked around awkwardly, its entire body rippling and convulsing. The tail of the snake flicked wildly, similar to that of a rattlesnake if it had any rattles at the end.

Chris heard the sounds, knowing exactly what the snake was gonna do. He's seen a good few share of snakes who rattled their tails in that manner, either they were rattling as a warning, or as a distraction before it were to lunge to its prey. In this case, he didn't care which was which, he just knew the snake would try to attack you blindly.

Chris yelled out your name, whether you could hear it from the snake's tail tantrum or not. The man rushed forward, rushing past the snake before he could see it lunge again from the corner of his eye. He acted fast, bringing his arms around you quickly. The sudden force and pressure brought the two of you to the dirty ground, the snake's blow missing you completely.

You heard Chris let out an irritated grunt and hiss as you both collided on the dirty, splintery ground.
The snake began to slither past you, proceeding towards the far right corner of the room.
It head extended out towards an old window, busting through the glass and brittle frame as it exited the room, leaving a small puddle of blood and broken glass near its escape point.

You were left in silence in the dirty dusty room, your heart beating frantically in your ears as it took you a moment to process what just happened.

That was the snake that attacked Richard. I mean, I took his word for it on it being huge, but that thing was gigantic!!

"You okay (Y/N)?" Chris asked, taking a moment to recollect himself as he sat up slowly from the ground, looking down at you.

"I think so," you replied, getting up slowly onto your knees. You spotted your gun a few inches away from your hand, suspecting you had dropped it when Chris pushed you both to the ground.

"Are you?" You asked, leaning over to get your gun off the ground.
What you didn't see was Chris looking over towards his left leg, noticing the long dark streak of blood that seeped through the fabric of his pants, a stinging pain coming from the big scratch against the left side of his calf.

Shit. Chris cursed himself mentally, completely unsure how he was able to get a wound from the snake when he thought he had dodged the deadly blow. Guess he wasn't so lucky.

"I will be." Chris replied, although he was honestly unsure of it. From the dim lighting of the room, it only looked like a minor graze, could snake venom really be administered if it was just a scratch?

"We should keep going," you stood slowly, brushing your pants off from the dust, "Preferably not through anymore suspicious doors. Right?"

You extended a hand to Chris, who was still sitting on the ground.
He reached over and grabbed your hand, using your strength to pull him up off the floor. He stumbled a little bit, squeezing your hand as he got himself to adjust to proper footing. The pain on his leg started to grow, but he didn't show it.

He nodded with a thanks, letting go of your hand as you turned around, being the first to lead the way out the door this time. You stepped down the stairs slowly, letting out a sigh.

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