Namjoon finished cleaning and temporarily placed the blue flower in an empty sack with sufficient soil. The alpha placed the flower on the coffee table in the living room before retrieving the box of medicine and soap from one of the shelves in the living room. Namjoon quickly checked the kitchen to see if Seokjin left something on the fire but it seems the omega has removed the stew before he came running to Hoseok's aid.

Namjoon entered the bedroom and saw Seokjin throwing a ceramic piece out the window before placing Hoseok's feet in the basin.

"I got the soap and medicine." Namjoon said, handing Seokjin the items.

"Thank you, alpha." Seokjin smiled as he poured a few amount of water on the pup's feet, just enough to wet it before scrubbing soap all over the wounds.

"Hyungie! It huwts!" Hoseok cried, holding unto Yoongi and Namjoon who sat beside him for moral support. "It's okay baby, it's okay. Hyungie is just disinfecting your wounds. Hyungie needs to do it so you wouldn't feel icky okay?" Namjoon assured, kissing Hoseok on the forehead to comfort the pup which miraculously worked as Hoseok's cries reduced to sobs. Seokjin continued to clean Hoseok's wounds before drying it with a towel. He then opened the box of medicine, taking a bit of the paste-like substance then rubbing it all over the wounds.

"Ish cold!" Hoseok exclaimed in wonder, loving the cool feeling the medicine made as Seokjin closed the box of medicine before leaving with the it and the soap.

"Now Hobi, what happened?" Namjoon asked as he placed the pup on his lap.

Hoseok paled then bit his lip, nuzzling into Namjoon's chest to avoid meeting gaze with the alpha. "Fwower fell on Hobi!"

Namjoon narrowed his eyes, not buying Hoseok's reason. The flower pot has been there for ages, it's impossible for it to suddenly fall. Besides, Seokjin made sure to place the pot far from the edge. The alpha looked at Yoongi who just stared blankly at Hoseok, however there's disappointment in his eyes.

"Are you sure bub? Look at Yoonie." Namjoon said calmly as he stroked Hoseok's fluffy hair. Hoseok slowly removed his face from Namjoon's chest and looked at Yoongi who stared at him in disappointment, lips shut tight into a thin line. Hoseok flinched as his conscience got to him. He turned to Namjoon and embraced the alpha, crying.

"Hyungieee... Hobi- sowwy! Hobi wied! Hobi wan hold da fwower so Hobi took fwower! Hobi 'nezzed so Hobi drop fwower!" Hoseok confessed between sobs, just as Seokjin came in the room.

"Baby, you know it's not right to lie, right? And it's not great to carry heavy pots. Look, you've hurt yourself." Seokjin scolded in a soft tone, wiping Hoseok's tears with his hand.

"Why did you lie hm?" Namjoon asked softly, careful not to scare the pup as he kissed Hoseok on the forehead.

"Cuz Hobi scawed Jinnie and Joonie hyungie wouldn't wuv Hobi anymowe." Hoseok responded, sniffling. Seokjin placed Yoongi on his lap as he sat down next to Namjoon and Hoseok. "Baby, we love you very much! But we're disappointed that you lied and think so darling." Seokjin said, shaking his head lightly.

"We're also sad that you broke my first gift to Jinnie hyung." Namjoon said, shaking his head as well. Hoseok's eyes widened before hugging them all.

"Hobi won't be bad awgain! Hobi pwomise! Hobi no wan hyungies to be sad!" Hoseok exclaimed in determination.

"That's great baby! But you know you have to be punished for lying and breaking the pot." Namjoon scolded, voice soft yet stern. Hoseok hung his head but nodded. "Alwight..." Hoseok mumbled.

"Hands out darling." Namjoon ordered, which Hoseok followed, showing his palms reluctantly.

"Joonie, I think Hobi learned his lesson-" Seokjin tried to say, but Namjoon shook his head in a dismissive manner. "No hyung, he has to learn that he shouldn't lie and break things again." Namjoon stated, taking the wooden broom.

"Okay Hobi, how many should I hit you?" Namjoon asked, hovering the handle of the broom over Hoseok's palms. "Twenny?" Hoseok sobbed.

"Oh baby not that many! How about two hm? One hit for one hand alright?" Namjoon said before lightly hitting Hoseok on his palms with the broom, making Hoseok cry once more.

Namjoon set the broom aside and placed Hoseok on his lap, kissing the toddler's hands as he did so.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry but that's a lesson so you wouldn't be bad again alright?" Namjoon mumbled as he showered Hoseok with kisses.

"Ish fine. Hobi know wying ish bad, yet Hobi tew wie. Hobi desew unish ment." Hoseok sobbed.

"Oh baby, you're an angel. Now smile okay, we're going to have bath time now." Seokjin smiled, preparing their nightwear.

"I'll prepare the bath." Namjoon said, walking to the bathhouse connected to the shack. In the middle of the bathhouse is a large stone tub, covered with cloth. Namjoon fetched large pails of freezing water from the corner of the room and poured it on the cloth to filter the water a bit. Namjoon repeated the procedure until the water is almost at the brim. The alpha placed some firewood under the tub where there's still hot embers. He then poured some liquid bath soaps in the water.

Seokjin came in with the pups and soaps, the pups already butt naked.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Namjoon asked when he felt the water temperature reduce from freezing to cold. The pups appeared to prefer cold baths from hot baths, having accustomed to the temperature they used to bathe in.

In the end, the pups went in together, immediately playing in the water. Seokjin took off his dress, leaving him in his underwear and naked on the top. The omega covered his breasts with his arms and slid in the bath, immediately removing his hands since the soapy water did the covering for him. The alpha undressed himself, leaving only his undergarments and slid in the tub, the pups immediately climbing unto him.

"Woah, woah easy! We're slippery!" Namjoon exclaimed in worry while Seokjin just laughed and took Yoongi away.

With that, they continued to enjoy the cold bath that's slowly getting warmer, happy to be in each other's warmth in the cold winter night.

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