Underneath the Mask: Chapter One

Start from the beginning

            "Sh*t, dude, those b*tches must have just left us here after they woke up," said Jose.

            "It was totally worth it though. That blond chick sucked the life out-"

            "Kenny, spare me the trip to the toilet, please," Lyndon said, putting his hands up.

            Kenny just smiled and shut his eyes, remembering the night before.

            "Hey, Lyndon, can you uncuff me. I think my wrists are almost completely rubbed raw," asked Jose.

            "Yeah, where are the keys?"

            "In the pocket of my jeans," said Jose nodding to the foot of the bed where some clothes were strewn on the floor. As Lyndon searched through the pockets, a loud yell came from the living room.

After the apartment was cleaned up and all the guys were uncuffed, dressed and de-markified, all six guys went out to breakfast at the diner down the street from their apartment. They drank six pots of coffee to try and numb the intense hangovers and pretty much ate all the food in the restaurant to the waitress's dismay.

            Soon the boys parted ways, Jose and Kenny going back to the condo they shared. Mark going back to his mom's house and Hank and Brendan going back home to their girlfriends who they each shared apartments with. Lyndon sighed when he walked back through the door of his apartment and looked at the mess with contempt. It was his place, so it was up to him to clean it all up, so he got out the black, drawstring garbage bags and got to work.

            After three long hours of cleaning, Lyndon collapsed on the couch with his arms over his face. He still had a little headache, but most of the hangover was gone thanks to the coffee and ten Advil capsules. He tried to remember if he had gotten with that hot girl from the party, but he couldn't really remember. She had been really hot, though. With long legs and dark, sultry eyes lined with thick lashes. He hoped he'd given the chick his number or something at least.

            After a few minutes of resting, Lyndon's cell phone vibrated on the freshly windexed, glass coffee table. He groaned inwardly and reached down to pluck it up in his fingers and look at the caller i.d.

It was his boss.

            Lyndon groaned again and reluctantly answered the phone. "Hello, Lyndon Contreras speaking."

            "Lyndon, this is Dick. I need you to come in today around 4ish. I have an important assignment for you," said Dick in his deep, no-nonsense voice.

            "Dick, I just graduated yesterday and you already have an assignment lined up for me?" moaned Lyndon into the phone rubbing his sore eyes with his free hand. He must have gotten some cleaning supplies in them, because they really burned.

            "It's a simple job. Be at my office by 4. Okay?"

            Lyndon called Dick a whole bunch of names in his head, but said, "Okay," into the phone anyway. It was his first day as a real FBI agent. The last thing he wanted to do was piss off his boss/supervisor.

            Lyndon set his alarm for 3:30, which gave him enough time to get to the headquarters and took a nice two hour nap.

Lyndon was escorted into Dick's big office by his hot a$$ secretary who kept giving Lyndon flirtatious looks and even slipped her number into the front pocket of his jeans, which was undoubtedly going to be forgotten and end up in the washing machine.

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