"you ready for more?"

Start from the beginning

If he didn't want me to hear, he would've left the room... right?

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Luke nodded a couple times, while letting out an occasional hum to signify agreement before ending the call with Calum. He set his phone down and then proceeded to take his hand away from mine in order to place his hands on his face, sighing in exhaustion as he aggressively ran his fingers down his cheeks.

"What was that about?" I asked him, letting out a quiet laugh in hopes to ease any possible tension.

"I told Calum—about us," Luke blurted out, which came as a slight surprise, but was also something I had expected him to to do eventually. "And he will not leave me alone about it. He's constantly nagging me about you. I told him about how I'm letting you look after my place, and he's been trying to tell me that it's a horrible idea because of the possibility that we could get into a fight or something. He's convinced that if things between us end up sour that you'll either trash my place or let the masses know where I live." My jaw dropped slightly as Luke spoke and I couldn't help but feel hurt.

"I'm glad to know how Calum feels about me," I said with a scoff. "I hate that he's less than supportive, but he doesn't have to be so mean to me in the process. I'm not crazy—if something were to happen between us and you didn't want me watching your place anymore, then I would be a civil human being. I would react like a stable person."

"Aw, babes," Luke said through a sudden burst of laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked Luke, trying to hide a smile that was starting to form on my face merely from being such a fan of the noise coming from Luke's lips.

"I hadn't thought about it that way—like, it's nothing personal. You shouldn't take anything Calum says to heart. He doesn't have any issues with you... he just doesn't trust easy," Luke said before inching closer to me. "The thought of you going full ballistic is what's funny to me... I know you wouldn't do that."

"I think it has to be a little personal, Luke," I said, more seriously. "I bet he wouldn't care if Ashton gave Emma keys to his place."

"Hey... that's not true," Luke said, now speaking with a more consoling tone. "I mean, Ashton would never do that in the first place." I sent Luke an unamused look and he sighed quietly before placing his hand on my cheek.

"Calum was my second favorite after you—"

"I know." I glared at Luke as he spoke and he bit his lip as he stifled a laugh.

"Madalyn stans the wrong guy," I told Luke as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, c'mon, Jos. Calum's a good guy, he's just a little protective. He also nags me about you in a good way," Luke told me which intrigued me. "When I finally broke and told him, he was really happy. I mean, at first he wouldn't leave me alone about how he thought it was stupid of us not to just get together, but he's mostly just been happy for me. And he asks for little updates sometimes... especially when he notices that I'm in a really good mood. It's like he knows when you're the cause for my good mood." Luke's words made me smile, but it was more so the thought of me putting him in a good mood than it was because of Calum's interest.

"It sounds like Calum would get along perfectly with Madalyn, Emma, and Jenna. They never stop nagging me about you and about... us. I swear, it's only been about three days since they finally understood where I was coming from by not getting into a relationship with you." Luke swiped his thumb against my cheek gently and my eyes fell down to his lips. "Does Calum want things to work between us? Or is he a pessimistic Patty?"

"Pessimistic Patty?" Luke asked, but I simply waited for him to answer me. "I don't think he's waiting for things to crash and burn, Jos. He's just scared of what could happen if they do."

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