"what do you say?"

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chapter sixteen: what do you say?

reminder: pics of luke mean no luke content !!! this should be a quick read but it's quite an important one !!!!

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reminder: pics of luke mean no luke content !!! this should be a quick read but it's quite an important one !!!!

MONDAY MORNING. After a weekend full of being overwhelmed at the number of tweets being sent my way, and the number of people speculating that Luke and I were in a relationship, I was exhausted. I had wanted to text Luke numerous times over the weekend just to talk to him about how strange it was to have so many people talking about me, but I hadn't quite felt secure enough to reach out to him. 

Emma and I had left the party as soon as she was sobered up, but I had yet to tell her anything that Luke and I discussed. Her and Ashton swapped numbers and had apparently been talking all weekend. I was really happy for her.

I had been alone most of the morning, so I hadn't gotten a full update on Ashton from Emma. She was in a meeting with Tony, so I was patiently waiting for her to return so that we could talk. I also wanted to talk to her about things with Luke, just to get it off my chest. I hadn't told anyone about Luke—I just didn't know how to feel yet.

As I was zoned out at my desk, the phone in my office began to ring. I oftentimes forgot that we even had an office phone; it was only there for the purpose of being called into meetings.

"This is Josie," I answered, confused as to why someone would call.

"Hey, you! Could you come down to my office?" I was surprised to hear Tony's voice, but I told her I'd see her in a couple of minutes. I brushed myself off as I stood up from my chair and I started making my way out of my office. As I was walking down the hall, I saw Luke heading my way.

"Hey," he said as we passed each other.

"Hi," I responded, but we both kept walking. My heart ached as neither of us stopped, but I powered through and continued walking to Tony's office. "What's up?" I asked as I stepped inside. Emma was sitting down in one of the chairs and from the look on her face, I got the feeling something bad was about to take place. My heart began to pound and it freaked me out that I couldn't quite read Emma's expression, but I knew it wasn't good.

"Close the door and come sit," Tony said, sending me a smile. I did as she said and felt uneasy as I sat next to Emma, and across from Tony. "Emma and I were just talking and she happened to say something pretty interesting."

"Oh?" I asked Tony, glancing over at Emma questioningly. Emma was barely sitting up straight and I got the feeling she wanted to melt into her seat.

"What's happening with you and Luke?" Tony asked me and my heart instantly sunk. I looked at Emma to see her eyes closed; I knew she felt horrible. "Emma tried telling me it was some secret, but I can't imagine anyone wanting to hide something when it involves such a hunk!"

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