"I can't believe they decided to do this now. Glad we were prepared."

I scoff. "It's BlackLight. No one fu**s us over."


H.E.X.A wasn't opening fire at anyone. For the past few hours they were just blocking exits and entryways, standing idle.

Like they were waiting for something.

For two hours, all they were  was a nuisance as we gather more agents and sneak them in.

We now had all Class A and B agents with us.

I locate an empty training room in a corner, large enough to fit 70 of us. The room was spacious, raised grey flooring and electric blue iridescent lights fill the room. I keep it dark as I bring everyone in.

With a clear of my throat everyone goes quiet.

"I hope you all are armed. We will be initiating our protocol now that we have more people."

My eyes move to the door, and I see Boss walking in. A few look at him and I stop talking, incase he wanted to take over.

But instead he stood in a corner and nodded me to go on.

Okay, then.

"We will NOT be killing anyone unless it is absolutely necessary . Their plan may be bloodshed, but ours isn't. Detian them only, either by combat, a shot to the leg, or tranquilize them."

Our agents nod.

"All radios will be off. We will let you keep your earpieces but only turn it on if absolutely nesscary incase they are tracking our location, though they would not be able with our new tech from Bejing."

That caused people to stir.

"This is for our safety, guys. We don't know all of Russo's motives and we need to take all precaution nesccary.  We will meet back here every 3 hours for updates and to recollect ammo. Other than that no one is to enter this room so they don't track us."

My eyes scan to Natalie, Jasmine, and Jayden and my heart lurches.

Those are my friends.

That's my girl.

If they do anything to them-

I take a deep breath, snapping back in, dismissing them to initiate our protocol as people leave the room.

I head to Boss who pats my shoulder.

"I'll be at home, monitoring you all and hacking their equipment too", he smiles, showing me his support and shakes my hand.

I head over to my three friends.

"You all have everything?"

"Yes except fu**ing sleep", Jasmine whines, tucking away her guns.

"You all be careful, okay?", Jayden says, going in for a group hug.

"Natalie and I. You and Jasmine for the first three hours?"

They nod and I take Natalie by the hand and head out.


We don't speak much, heading in hallways to spy on the agents so we can give other further notices.

Have they made their move yet?

What are they waiting for?

When we hear footsteps, we head over to the noise to see a burly H.E.X.A man, and the look he gave us was of full rage as he near us.

"Natalie dart him in both his legs when I say go, okay?", I say hurriedly and quietly.

"Okay", she breaths.

As the man comes near us I say "Go", she shots the tranquilizer darts and hits him in the knees, paralyzing him from the waist down.

These darts were strong.

Once he knocked out, I took the radio strapped near him.

"We have access to their side now", I tell Natalie.

She nods, a piece from her low bun falling to her face.

Almost all of us were heavily armed. Bulletproof pads, vests, jackets, heavy duty boots, and a face mask in case.

We head near a corridor as someone turns their earpiece on to contact both of us.

"Group of agents on the C wing, they are setting up  some silver metal cans, we need backup."

The voice cuts out after 5 seconds, giving no time for the enemy to listen in.

And that's how it went.

Always on adrenaline.

Always on high-alert.

But I was fine, as long as she was by my side.

Authors Note: this will be in three parts. It's meh with less action but the next two will be jam packed with action.

There  are few chapters left 🥺 tell me your thoughts guys!

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