Lockdown Pt. 2

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I pushed to come to school today.
I pushed through the pain to show up.
I pushed through the pain, and this shit blows up.

"Okay let's split up. Natalie and me, Lucas and Jasmine", was what Jayden said to us.

I scowled and rolled my eyes at him in my head.

Like that's gonna happen.

But I let it go because Jasmine was already leading us to the other side.

I missed Natalie.

I missed her.

I kept thinking back to when she reluctantly said she wanted to keep this a friendship. I know she felt a bit of what I felt but still hid it for the cause of the mission.

She's so beautifully selfless.

Jasmine leads us to Sector C on the first floor.

"I can't believe this is happening. This is our classmates here, man. What do they want from us?", she says as we make it to this corner of the hallway.

Here we can see most of the hallways.

I look at Jasmine. She's pretty, reminds me of the Mexican version of the actual Princess Jasmine which is kinda funny. She and I became pretty decent friends just as her brother became my good guy friend.

Now he was with Natalie, and I secretly hoped he was with us because I know Natalie can take of herself.

"Can you guys hear me?", I hear Vice-Principal Castro through my BlackPiece.

I fix the earpiece closer to my ear as Jasmine looks at me.

"It's V.P Castro", I tell Jasmine.

She nods coming closer to me.

I hear Natalie say "Yes" and my heart sighs in content to hear her okay.

"Lucas, where are you guys?"

I look around. "Sector C."

"Okay good that means security is back on, we will lead you four to where we see them just wait", Castro says.

I hear a voice by Natalie's side and I know it's Jayden. I can't hear that well as BlackPieces are made so you can hear the person with the other earpiece.

"You said Sector-C Lucas?", is what I hear Natalie say.

"Uhm, yeah."

"Principal Castro, do you see anyone on the second floor?"

Second floor?

"Uhh, yes! Go up to the rooftop gar-"

Castro's voice stops.

So does Natalie.


"Shit", I say standing up looking at the ceiling.

I know she's going up there. And all I want is to help her out.

It itches me that I'm not with her right now. But now I have another lady to back up.

"Okay we need to help them from here Jasmine go-"

My words stop when she whips her head to the left to the sound of footsteps.

Heavy footsteps.

"Lucas gun out!", she says ready to fight.

We find two men in front of us ready to attack. I butt one in the head and he staggers down by the impact.

The other makes a move for Jasmine and I glance back to see if she's okay.

She's got this.

The guy jumps back up, staggering a bit but still has the strength to fight, and I'm not surprised as I would do the same if roles were reversed.

We fight and I don't use the gun unless it's needed, I'm not going to shoot a gun in a lockdown school if I don't need to. He grabs my arm and locks me down by the wall, but he has a mask on and I can't see.

The balls.

As much as I hate doing this to another guy, I kick him in the balls and he finally staggers cursing.

"Jasmine!", I hear her coughing and kneel down beside her. I don't see it for a few seconds.




Oh shit.

I immediately secure my jacket flap over my nose and mouth and do the same for Jasmine, who is coughing badly.

"You okay?", I ask in a hurry.

"Yeah Yeah", she holds on to me to get up.

I glance at the smoke.

I hope everyone in the school is okay.

Is the smoke just in this corridor?

I peek out the now shaded windows to see this side was by the parking lot. I hurry over to the next corner of the building to thankfully find no smoke.

As I turn left, a figure walks toward me and I halt.

He was tall and broad-shouldered with a black mask and an all black outfit. He was confidently heading straight towards me.

I pull out my gun and aim right at him.

He doesn't falter, doesn't even stop his walking pace and stops right in front of me.

"Time to go", he says.

Just then I hear far footsteps from behind me and realize they got Jasmine.

I sprint towards her when he binds my arms behind me and we go into combat.

Shift to the right, block his arms, turn him around, capture him.

But then he captures me. "I don't want to hurt you brother", is all he says firmly restraining my arms.

I glance to the corridor where Jasmine is hoping she's alright, grateful I wasn't with Natalie because she could help us get out.

"What? She your lady or something?"

I stay quiet.

Not this one.

The asshole covers my mouth and I slowly blackout

I was going to add more but I think it makes sense to make it a whole other chapter.

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