Clouded Feelings

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January 3

School started after Winter Break today and my head has been stuck in my nightmares. I try to be a strong woman and push past them but it's always stuck in my head like tacky glue.

To match the tired feeling inside, I wore a grey sweater with jeans and white sneakers. Pairing my favorite gold necklace with an "N" letter, I head to school.

Classes were fine, Lucas got discharged yesterday and was taking a few days before he comes back to school. I missed Sarah and Valerie, who were currently sending applications to college while Sarah was sending applications to modeling school.

Two completely different people, yet we are all best friends.

"What do you think about this?", Valerie murmured as she put her red ginger hair in a bun and pointed at her computer.

I looked to see the University of Tampa on her screen.

"Just as a filler, a guarantee they will accept me type of thing", she says.

She's always been determined about her education as I have.

"I say go for it, Florida has cute beach guys ya know", Sarah says as she nibbles on a cocoa bar.

I make a face at her bar as it smells like healthy cardboard. She notices and makes a face at my face.

"You know you can ask me to try it instead of judging my granola bar", she teases as she breaks a piece for me.

Just as I am about to take it Jayden grabs it sitting at the cafeteria table.

"I'll take it thanks", he says eating with a gorgeous "I had braces and now my teeth are perfect" smile.


We saw them at the Wearhouse. I know for a fact Lucas suspects them because he told me, but I don't think they are behind these thefts at all. He notices my quietness and shifts his eyes to me.

Unspoken words flow between us as we think about that night, but him being a gentleman he is, he smiles at me and asks about my break.

All of us enjoy our lunch and chit chat about what we did over winter. My mind heads to Lucas as I'm supposed to visit him after school to give him his schoolwork.
Lucas' Apartment

Mark, my chauffeur drops me to Lucas as I carry the work in my hands. Grace made a pot of comfort food casserole. I call it CFC, like KFC but even better.

I carry all these as I was about to ring the bell then realized he said he opened the door for me. I step in and look around.

BlackLight gave him this apartment and it's quite modern with black square tiles and white walls. Almost everything is neutral from grey countertops to black leather couches.
The interior was nice, expensive, and chic.

I hear footsteps and a tall and built figure moves in my peripheral. I turn to see Lucas and my heart swells a bit.

His entire upper half was exposed in what felt like I was staring at a dream. It was clear that he worked out but not so built and hefty. I know his strength is more than meets the eye. He could take a bodybuilder on with such ease.

"You didn't need to get up I would have come in", I barely can even say my words from his intense stare.

"Figured you wouldn't know where my room was", he replies, gaze still intense.

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