Clean Up

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The ceiling of the musty and abandoned building drips, each sound amplified with the eerie quietness.
The stench is minimal, but you can taste the mustiness of the broken building on your tongue. I walk slowly, treading with caution so my heavy-duty black combat boots don't make a sound.

He shouldn't know I'm here, I think to myself as I scan the hallways for the man.

I hear the muffled sounds and heavy steps of the target and I creep up behind him.
Unfortunately, he was too paranoid and caught me. His face contorts into a disgusted emotion and starts yelling.

"You can't catch me!", he says acting tough but fed up.

"I just did."

"You can't kill me!", his laugh was an indication that he's mentally insane.

Just let me get over this already.

I pull out my gun strapped to my waist and aim at him. His eyes widen in realization and he attempts to make a run for it, failing miserably.


His body falls to the floor, blood spilling everywhere. I can tell without even inspecting that he is alive, but barely.

Let's see what the Boss  wants to do, I'll leave it to him. 

I pick up the small radio strapped on my waist to alert backup. 

With a mischievous smile I turn my radio on. "Clean up at isle three."

I turn around with a swift move of my feet as my boots hitting the ground echo around me.


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