C-omplete Me

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*thank you so much for 3k :)*
*also because of the recent hurricane that passed I was out of power, explaining why it took me a while to post this*
*hope all who were affected with the hurricane are safe as well as the people in Lebanon.*

H.E.X.A wanted to steal our identity.
They slowly but surely broke apart Natalie's personal life in hopes to steal her identity, which would help steal BlackLights identity.

My mind races at the thought of them hurting Natalie more than they already have, and I grip the steering wheel with just the thought of it.

No more.

We are protecting BlackLight with our lives.

April 5

Jayden and I were walking towards our lockers, quietly conversing when I see Sarah and Valerie pass us.

"They still talking to you guys?", I nod to them.

Jayden shakes his head. "The basics, but they distanced from us. To be honest I don't blame them, it looks bad to them of course."

He shakes the thought off and closes his locker.

"What about you? Have you been able to hang with Natalie lately?"

I shrug. "We were training last night."

Jayden scoffs. "Nah bro, I mean actually hang. Talk and be in each other's presence. You two need it."

I take in words.

"Yeah, but we have no time with school and the agency."

"Then make time. You two really need to be in each other's presence. It'll do you two good."

I smirk at him. "Since when are you a love doctor?"

I push his shoulders playfully to which he rolls his eyes.

"Since Jasmine got smitten with your cousin."

I raise a brow. "Joshua? They made it official?"

"Noo, I won't let her. Something's  up about that guy. He's sketchy", he says accusingly.

I laugh. "He's my cousin, I assure you he isn't. You sure it's not the protective brother speaking?"

"No", he says quickly, face clearly showing otherwise.

I laugh and shake my head.


Jayden and I start heading to my car, as school ended and Jasmine follows, nose  in her phone.

Playfully I take her phone out of her grasp to which she flails to get it.

"Lucas! That's my phone- gimme!"

"Started dating my cousin and never told me, hm?"

Her face turns red to which I laugh. "We aren't dating and don't forget you-" She jumps again. "are the one who left to China with no contact."

She continues to reach her phone until she becomes annoyed.

"Lucas give me my phone before I kick you in the balls."

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