Chapter 5: The Wedding

Start from the beginning

"Hah, still the Jong Dae I know. Anyway, Chen, this is my wife Kim Yoon-Hye, or just calls her Jocelyn. And Celyn, this is one of my workmates, Kim Jong Dae, or Chen."

"Nice to meet you, Chen." I took out my hands and shook with his.

"It's nice meeting you too, Jocelyn."

"Well, Chen, the comfort room was just out there. After you left the room, turn right and you would find it." Myungsoo told Jong Dae. He nodded and left after that.

Suddenly, I felt a bit dizzy. I fell on my knees.

"Celyn! Are you alright?" Myungsoo quickly kneeled down beside me and asked.

"I'm okay." I shut my eyes and replied. A scene came across my mind as I was still dizzy.

"Hi, are you alone?" A little boy asked as he approached to a little girl who was sitting on a bench.

"Apparently, yes." The girl who was sitting on the bench scoffed and turned away from the boy.

"Why are you alone?" The boy sat down beside him and asked her again.

Unexpectedly, the girl started to sob. "My oppa left me alone here..." The girl cried.

"Never mind. I'll accompany you for today!" Being a hyper he is, the boy tried to cheer the girl up.

"You would?" The girl asked the boy with her puffy eyes.

"Yes. What's your name first? And how old are you?"

"I'm Jocelyn Kim Yoon-Hye. I'm five years old."

"Really? I'm five years old too. I'm Kim Jong Dae, but you can call me Chen. Only you can."

"Thanks Chen, you can call me Celyn too, if you want." The girl flashed a warm smile at the boy.

"Let's go and play!" The boy dragged the girl along with him.

"Jocelyn, Jocelyn!" I heard Myungsoo's voice calling for me. I slowly opened my eyes and found that there were pairs of eyes which were staring at me. I looked up directly and saw Myungsoo with a worried look.

"What happened?" I asked and get up from his lap, which I assumed that I was lying on earlier.

"You passed out for half hour already. Are you okay?" Myungsoo asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Myung."

"Let's just cancel the wedding for today. Jocelyn needed to rest." Mrs. Kim, Myungsoo's mother said.

"It's okay, eommonim. I'm fine. The wedding still can continue." I replied and nodded my head at them.

"Alright. An hour to the wedding. You boys go and serve the guest first. We'll be outside." Appa said.

"Wait, appa."

"Yes, my daughter?"

"I want to talk to Xiumin harabeoji, alone." I requested. I realized that Chen shared the same name as the boy who Xiumin harabeoji told me.

"Alright." Father thought for a while and nodded at me. All of them went out from the waiting room, of course, except for Xiumin granddad. Myungsoo squeezed my hands lightly before getting out from the room.

"So...what would you want to talk with me? Something special, perhaps?" Xiumin granddad asked as he sat down beside me.

"Harabeoji, Myungsoo...he has a friend, his workmate, which his name was also Chen, same as the guy who you told me last time." I started.

The next century- We met again (EXO Chen fanfic) [Sequel to WSWEKEOFTS?]Where stories live. Discover now