Chapter 26 - The no no square

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Warning: NSFW in bold, skipping it does not change the story <3

Why is it still so hot? This room feels like a greenhouse, the air is heavy and the glass is not helping at all with the sun. God, why does he not invest in curtains? I slowly opened my eyes, keeping them half-closed to keep myself from going blind with how bright it was in the early morning. "I was about to wake you up, my love." I heard Bruno's gentle voice echo behind me, then felt the dip of the mattress. I was still laying on my stomach, on the bed, slowly becoming one with said bed due to the temperatures. "Not for long, I'm melting Bruno." I mumbled in my pillow, he chuckled in response. The clatter of two mugs touching the bedside table could be heard, then with his now free hands he caressed the back of my thighs delicately. I jolted awake and quickly turned around, sitting up in a hurry as I sent him a warning look. Oh, I knew full well where this could go, not that he was the only one at fault, I just knew how I'd react to his touches. "Okay, I'm awake, I'm awake." He laughed softly then handed me a burning cup, I eyed him curiously, not taking the cup right away. "Hot chocolate. I made myself coffee, but I know you don't like it." The raven-haired man explained calmly, his eyes darting to the cup then back at me. I grimaced and took the cup, but set it aside. "It's very nice, but how can you drink a hot beverage when it's this hot in here?" I gestured with my arms to the whole room as he sipped his coffee without a care. "It's only hot in here, the rest of the house is a lot cooler. But you were sleeping so well, I didn't want to ask you to move, cara." There was something in his tone, like he was hinting towards something but I did not quite know what. Shaking my head, I decided to drink the hot beverage anyway, he had made it for me I couldn't let it go cold. But before that, I had to correct him, "I did not sleep that well to be honest, but there weren't any nightmares so that was good." I hummed a moment then sipped a few. With his cup now empty, Bruno set it aside and gave me a strange look. "Oh, you were moving a lot during your sleep. At first I thought you were having a nightmares, but then-" he paused as I moved the mug from my lips and quirked a brow. Leaning forward, he lifted my chin with his hand, "I think the heat made you have very good dreams, perhaps it was also caused by our activities earlier in the evening..." he trailed off, observing my reaction.

I shrugged, "I wouldn't know, I don't remember." It was a lie. I definitely had a very vivid dream that involved the very man in front of me. But I did not want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he plagued my dreams, while he was not the type of person to gloat- yeah, he's not that prideful, what am I even lying about, I thought. He was so close to me that I could smell his coffee breath. And even though I loved him, damn coffee smelled bad. "Ok, maybe I do remember, but how about we talk about it another time?" Right now, I was sweaty and felt very gross, I really needed a shower. I set the mug on the nightstand and as I was about to get out of the bed, I felt two hands grab mine then was pushed backwards. "I would love to hear what-" "Nope. Bruno, coffee breath is not endearing and as much as I love you, I don't want to be late to the meeting with Giorno just because you thought now was the time for us to-" He cut me off by letting go of my wrists and sitting back on his heels, a sheepish smile on his face. Sheepish? That's a first. "I understand, I apologize. I got carried away. Perhaps it's the heat, or perhaps it's how beautiful you always look, no matter the circumstances. You're a sight for sore eyes." This man had a way with words that made it hard to feel anything but comfortable around him. If I were mad, I wouldn't have been for long. He was really sorry for acting as such, even though it wasn't a big deal at all. And yet, I blushed at his words, still not used to the constant flattery. Now sitting once more, ready to leave the bed, I felt him grab my hand, which confused me a moment, "Amore, can I kiss you?" A bigger confusion now. I looked at him incredulously, what he asked did not make sense. "Of course, why would you ask?" I said with a slight chuckled, he leaned forward and muttered 'coffee breath' before kissing me tenderly. I rolled my eyes then kissed him back lovingly, it could be worse, like garlic, or a strong beer smell. "I'll get used to the coffee breath, I'll have to, won't I?" Smiling fondly, he nodded, "I'm already used to your sweet chocolate kisses, amore." He breathed before pulling away, I did the same and stood up, chuckling. "Chocolate is way better than coffee; you have it easier." I told him jokingly. I then made my way to my room and grabbed my clothes for today, along everything I need for my shower.

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