What A Fever Brought To Us: 6

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It was cheating.

They never meant to be.

Jo Yeong supposed to be the unbreakable sword and nothing more.


"Yeong-ah," when he met the other's eyes, he felt the tears wet his cheek, he didn't have any heart to keep the bottled up feelings any longer.

Yeong shook his head as Gon entwined their hand, the younger man pulled the entwined hand close to his chest.

"Forgive me," he sobbed, "I'm so sorry," Gon's eyes softened, his lover didn't do any mistake at all.

Yeong felt bad, felt disgusted, for feeling the happiness of being the one and only. Using the opportunity to be with Gon while the other was oblivious.

"Why you apologies?"

"I shouldn't, I shouldn't,"

"Shouldn't what?"

"I felt wrong," Yeong bent down, the back that always seemed to be straight looked so different.

Gon saw another side of Yeong, side the younger man rarely show. The other always managed to be calm, stoic, and sometimes the monarch thought about dating a robot.

But he also knew deep down, the boy who offered the cookies for him was hiding.

"You're not," Gon squeezed his hand, "you did nothing wrong."

Yeong blinked away his tears, looking to Gon's eyes as he tried to put his messy mind and complicated feeling intact.

"Nothing wrong, you just do what you wanted to do," Gon assured him as he caressed the knuckles with his thumb.

Different from him who had the first-class treatment, Yeong's hands were calloused thanks to his intense training and how often he held the gun.

Gon gave a small smile, "you chose me again, even in this life," he muttered, voice full of wonder and Yeong wanted to smack his head.

As if he would choose something else over Lee Gon.

Then the fear back to his head, "it's totally fine," Yeong mumbled, stealing Gon's attention.

"You can always go back to the Republic and meet her, pyeha," Gon's heart ached for Yeong, for the stupid dedication and how loyal his Captain to him.

As if.

"Do you know the first thing I thought when I had my memories back?"

Yeong shook his head, almost rejecting the information, "I thought about you."

The younger man swallowed down, "me?" Gon nodded his head.

His head was full of memories, of the facts and how he noticed the other man who always stayed by his side.

The one who had full control of his life but yet, but yet Jo Yeong still gave it to Lee Gon.

He gave the reins to Gon, for him to pull and direct.

Two life, mixing into one and he realized how in both life; Yeong always looked at him with the same eyes.

He didn't know if this was a joke or a reminder, of how lucky he was, for having Yeong in both lives.

There was no mind to go back and find his past lover, he did understand why he chose her back then but not for him this time.

In this timeline, no badge, but a man who took bullets and risked his life without a second thought.

"I remember," Gon pulled the other man up, guiding him to the bed, "the trembling hand, checking my pulse."

Yeong shivered as the older man kissed his forehead, chaste kiss, "the shock, the groan, also the relieve sigh as I held the other's hand back."

He always searched for his saviour, only stopping when Yeong told him they would show up once the time was right.

"Sorry, you were alone, with the memories," Gon whispered, "for knowing the other story without anyone to talk about."

For being confused when he woke up and trying to put a difference between their lives.

To assure himself this time he was not the same.

To be sure that in this one, Gon loved him.

The memories were honestly, similar when Gon found a photo inside his album; nothing but a good and extraordinary memory, nothing more than that

"I will not search for her, Yeong-ah," Gon caressed the side of the other's face, kissing the ear as he drew a circle on the other's back.

Gon smiled softly, "since I already have my only love between my arms right now."

Yeong didn't answer, he leaned and embraced his King instead.

"I'm scared, always, frightened," Yeong confessed, "for you to remember and then leaving me alone."

"But I also want you to remember, to know what decision you will take once you had your memories."

Would Lee Gon regret it?

He would leave him?

Lee Gon recalled how the younger man looked at him back then when he decided to go with Tae Eul.

'Please take care, pyeha'

Gosh, what a jerk of him back then.

He won't make the same mistake twice though, worry not.

Lee Gon huffed, "stuupidd," he kissed the other's small pout, eyes were swollen but Yeong looked so adorable like this.

"Do you know I never take back the decision I made, captain?"

Yeong averted his eyes and kind of regretting his years' worth of worries, Lee Gon took everything so lightly that he thought the Monarch might be lying about remembering all of it till the end.

"I already made up my mind when I was eight when I asked you to be my boyfriend; just for your information."

Thought the confession gave a really warm feeling to Yeong's entire being, "and I will never let you leave me either, Yeong-ah."

The captain buried his face to the other's neck, "you know I will never," he mumbled.

Lee Gon chuckled, "of course, though I want to know your past relationship and why I never know about it."

Yeong let out a confused sound, "with Kang Sin Jae."

When he pretend to be asleep and hugging Gon tightly to avoid the conversation, Yeong knew he won't be working that day, again.  



I decide to make one bonus chapter, please look forward to it (*'▽'*) Sorry if you think Gon took this too lightly but I felt like if Gon remembered it would be just like how we looked to our photo album, it was nothing but a piece of memory for him now.

For him who now think yeong as the most precious thing for him, as long he had the current Yeong; he needs nothing else.

The King: Eternal Monarch (Jo Yeong's Ships)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora