Now scene shifted to baadi...laksh checking every house for daadi...but she is not of the neighbour said daadi went to temple to see priest...

He thanked that lady and rushed to temple in the hope to know about ragini where abouts ...

Here ragini caught sneha red handed ... Tell me sneha why did you acted these many days ? Can't you see how much grandpa worried about you ?

Does his feelings and tears fun to you ?

What's this all ? Even i was hell.worried for you seeing your condition but i found out this morning thar you were acting you know how much its hurt me? What if grandpa came to know about it ?

Don't say it to grandpa dii...i'm begging to you ...she said in tears while holding ragini hand like a losted kitten ..

Ragini heart melted ...she held her hands in smoothing way...see sneha don't be scared share your problems with me i'm here right?

If i share it with you...will you forgive me and be nice with me ?

Of course i will...but you must share everything don't dare to hide anything ok ?

She nods in yes ...

Ragini helped wiping her tears...she takes her out to feel that fresh air...sneha not in the mood to leave ragini hand for once...just sticking with her like a kid...ragini gave a warm hug to her to calm her...

She made her sit on sofa... Now tell me what's bothering you sneha? said in tears...

He was your past sneha...why are you bringing him now ? Don't you forget him yet ?

I do dii...but my deeds..

What have you done ?

Dii i was blind in love on him so i gave everything to him but i never thought he will betray me ?

Ragini patted her head...its ok sneha its all past...your video didn't leaked your parents stopped it immediately... No one knew about it all that mahath is also behind the bar so don't take tension...

What ? He is in prison ?

Yes he is... Ragini said in smile...

So you were scared of him that's why acted like paralyzed ...

No dii actually he cheated me by morphing my was not me in that picture...he used my name to get money from parents...i came to know it later... But i attempted suicide because i gave something to him that's most important one to our family... She said biting her lips... If my dad comes to know he will kill me...

What was that ? Ragini asked her ...

Sneha frightened thinking about it......she said something muted to ragini...even ragini also equally shocked... Sneha indeed you were trapped...don't worry let's deal it carefully  i will help you in all way ok...

Thank you so much dii... I was hell scared ...once dad comes to know that i wake up he will ask me about it so i was scared that'y even after i recovered from paralyzed i didn't reveal the truth about my recovery...

Ragini understand her situation...

Sneha you must be strong to deal with all...don't be a scared kitten.. Ragini adviced her

I will overcome from this dii if you stay beside me always...don't leave me she hugged ragini

Ragini too hugged her back...i won't sneha ...

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