Part 12

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Will u give me a second chance 

  part - 12 

recap ( swara mask tore in front of ap by parinitha ..uttra ragini bond .. laksh hurting ragini ) 

scene begins in laksh shout on ragini supporting swara even sanskar consoling swara like she is an pure soul what was ragini mistake in it parinitha bahbhi who create this mess ap maa who punished swara i am an witness but here she made her as culprit ..without trying to understand the situation my so called husband shout on me nd left from here angrily without heed to her feelings .. ragini stayed there with teary eyes ..within sec parinitha came there ragini wiped her tears nd fake her smile to her .. 

in office sansakr supporting swara nd and blaming ragini in front of laksh he is already in angry he is just adding fuel in it .. everyone have their own selfishness he spoiled laksh mood nd went to attend his meeting leaving confused laksh behind he showed his anger in meeting nd messed up the whole meeting .. sansakr who is standing innocently consoling laksh like na mahan after creating all mess .. dp is hell angry on laksh that he is still immature learn something from sanskar .. laksh controlling his anger nd listening to him .. sanskar smirked seeing laksh .. 

sanskar pov : 

you deserved it all laksh do u really thinking i forgave u ? no still my revenge is fresh inside me how dare ur papa to snatch my love from me .. i wished to separate rgaini from u first then only i came to know u don't have any feelings on her so i manipulated ragini against swara .. but u know wt this game is getting bore that is y i acted like an saint infront of swara .. still one mystery is there but it will be with me forever i won't say it to anyone .. i gave plan to swara to act as an married couple in front of u then only u will get a pain seeing ur loved one with another man that too ur brother i am enjoying the pain of yours .. u must suffer i intentionally being close with swara to hurt u u r feeling the same pain which i went through .. poor swara believing that i have feeling on her but for sake of revenge i am using her against u ..she is just my toy .. now that ragini is also my target cz how dare her support u still she is in the mission to join swara nd u right ? she is also an good soul but u failed to recognize u wt to do ? when her lies revealed the real matter also hided in it .. she said that i misbehaved with her yes i did nd nick of time i escaped adrsh bhai stuck in that plan .. laksh is still believing me as a good brother i need his end only .. this swara doing some stupid things to gain attention from laksh is useful to me .. now i can use such incident in office nd make him lost his temper against business .. u wanna lost everything in ur life laksh he thought smirking ... 

pov ends : 

dp went from there laksh hits his hand on wall in angry sanakr consoled him don't worry lucky here after don't mix personal nd professional things by saying he too left from there smirking not before blaming ragini is the soul reason behind this .. 

now scene shifted to MM  

parinitha cracking jokes but ragini is not in the state to smile .. uttra returned to home happily she said she wrote her exam well she hugged ragini nd express her happiness ap smiled seeing them but sujji is not at all happy ..uttra didn't u learned from swara ? y did u asked to this girl ? ragini felt hurt .. uttra got angry nd said if ur fvaorite daughter in law is genius y should i ask help to ragini bhabhi ? swara glared uttra parinitha suppress her laugh ..sujji got angry u can ask to ur brother right ? even they don't know maa ..all r waste but bhabhi solved it easily .. sujji is not ready to praise her but ap done it ... 

evening everyone returned to home except laksh ..ragini searched for him but he didn't came .. she waited for him long all went to sleep he peeped inside in fully drunken state at 12 o clock ..ragini shocked to see him like that he is stumbling from his place .. ragini ran near him to prevent him from falling he  is blabbering in unconscious .. ragini felt him heavy though she tried her best to drag him to their room without making noise .. 

ragini locked the door he lost his balance immediately she hold him tightly .. she made him sit on bed but he fallen back ragini removed his shoes nd socks ..coat nd tie .. she felt hurt to see him in drunken state .. tears filled in her eyes whatevr say she loved him a lot still he is in her heart she couldn't get rid of him .. she si cursing herself for not able able to forget him .. 

next day begins .. bright sun rays fell on him his sleep got disturbed in it he blinked his eyes nd hide his face from sun light he shouts ragini .. close the curtains within sec its closed ..he got up nd sat on bed holding his head .. arrhh its aching .. shit he is cursing himself for drinking badly he couldn't register wt is going on .. how did he drank ? he holding his head ragini forward lemon juice to him ...drink this u will feel better she said laksh looked her nd juice .. he take it from her nd starts to sip it yesterday incidents flashed on his mind his eyes turns to red in angry he splashed juice on ragini face .. 

screen froze 

precap : evilness .. 

guys leave ur cmnts ... 

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