Chapter 74

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Chapter 74...
Hiccup sat in his hospital bed planning everything for Astrid. It was finally beginning to come together. Whilst writing some things for the project, he sat back and rested his head against against the wall taking a moment to piece everything together and work out what he needed to do next. It needed to be perfect. It needed to work. He needed his Astrid back.
"You really do have a lot of memories together dont you..." Valka said as she placed her book down and watched her son work.
"Yeah... we do..." Hiccup smiled looking at his work. They did. They really did. From being young to where they are now. "Hey mum?"
"Yes Hiccup?"
"Did... the fire crew say the house was clear to go into?"
"Um... yes but there's not a lot left of the house... there was a lot of damage to it..."
"But they said it was clear right? And we can go in as it's safe to?"
"Well... yes I think so but... why are you asking?"
Hiccup sat up and set aside his stuff on the bed and shifted his body to the side of the bed, lifting his leg and stump over the edge.
"Hiccup!? What are you doing!?!" Valka stood up un shock and went towards her son. "You're suppose to stay in bed!"
"Yeah well I need I get something from the house. Its important." Hiccup said as he took hold of his new prosthetic the doctors had made him. After a week or so of using it, he managed to finally walk with his new prosthetic... he just had a little bit of a limp.
"No Hiccup you are staying here! The doctor said you cant leave the hospital for a few more days and can only walk around here... and I am NOT letting you go back to the house!" Valka said with her hands on his shoulders making him look at her in the eyes.
"No buts Hiccup! You aren't going and that's final. I'm putting my foot down!" Valka said crossing her arms and sitting back in her chair without losing eye contact.
Knowing he wasnt going anywhere, he rolled his eyes and put the prosthetic back as he got back into bed. Fuck sake. But then he realised...
"If I cant go... do you think you could get some stuff for me from the house?"
"I can if you need me to... what do you need?"
"The box... of everything. Memories..."
Valka smiled and stood up grabbing her jacket and prepared to leave to bring the things Hiccup wanted.
"Of course I can"
"Excuse me... nurse?"
"Yes Mr Haddock?"
Hiccup was going along the corridors practicing his walking with his prosthetic and trying to find a nurse who was looking after Astrid. Luckily he found one.
"Hi um... so you have Astrid's belongings? Like her clothes and stuff from the fire when she came in?"
"Yes we have them bagged and stored away until she leaves..."
"Is there a possibility I could maybe have something from it?"
"I will have to get it for you but I sont see why not. What do you need exactly?"
"There's a locket necklace in there. That's all I need."
The nurse smiled and nodded. "I'll be back in a bit."
Valka had brought back the box. Luckily the fire didn't destroy as much as the attic as they thought as the memories of photos and albums and tapes were untouched.
Hiccup dug through the hundreds of photographs inside and pulled out a few old ones of the couple when they were younger. He stared and looked at the many others he had printed from his phone and old photo booth pics and tickets from the theatre and fairgrounds and tokens and drawings. They had grown up so much... in age and love.
After a few more hours of cutting and sticking and pinning and writing, the project was finally complete.
He took a breath as he looked through his work and happily smiled satisfied.
He picked up the locket and held it next to the finished piece.
He stood up from his bed and limped over to the door and out to the corridor. There was a smile of excitement and worry on his face, the adrenaline pumping though his body with every step.
"Time to get my girl back"

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