Chapter 30

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Chapter 30...
Astrid's vision was slowly coming back to her. The room was spinning a bit and everything was blury. As her vision became clear to see, she saw she was in a hospital bed in a separate room. She began to panic until someone whispered to her and held her hand.
"Hey, it's ok... It's ok..." she turned her head gently still on the pillow to see Hiccup was there watching her as she began to awake. She took he hand in his and gripped it rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. He then bought it up to his lips and planted a single kiss on the back of it. She smiled lovingly at him.
"You really scared me..." Hiccup spoke gently to her, continuing stroke his thumb against her hand. He looked as though he had is it woken up himself.
"What happened?" She moved her head back to the centre of the pillow slowly. Opening her eyes more, she could see she had an oxygen tube running from her nose down to the side of the bed, hospital gown on, blood pressure clip on, needle in her hand and monitors on all around her.
"You went unconscious on the way in here, you were being pushed in a wheelchair to come in and then you just... went faint." Hiccup was watching her hand, reliving the moments in his head.
As she was about to ask another question to Hiccup, there was a knock at the door.
"Come in" Hiccup said, moving his eyes to the door.
The door opened carefully to reveal a consultant doctor, dressed in formal clothing, a stethoscope around his neck and carrying a clipboard. "Ah good evening Miss Hofferson, my name is Dylan and I am a consultant here at the hospital. I have been looking into your case that bought you here yesterday."
"Yesterday?" Astrid asked surprised. She had been out for the whole night. Hiccup nodded.
"How are you feeling today Miss Hofferson?" Dylan asked her. He began to take down her Obs.
"I feel ok, a little light headed and nauseous but other than that I think I'm ok," Astrid said back to the doctor.
"Does your body feel quite heavy? In a sense that it feels harder to move your limbs?" He asked. Astrid moved her arm up but found it a lot harder than usual, as though weights were attached to her arm. She nodded to him.
"Ok, the good news Miss Hofferson is that although you still feel a bit light headed and nauseous, the sign that your body feel a heavy means that your body is now recovering." He smiled gently. She returned the gesture and so did Hiccup.
As he went to leave Hiccup stopped him.
"Doctor?" Dylan turned around again. "Can I ask you what exactly caused this to happen to Astrid?"
"Of course, well we did a number of checks on her including her blood. In her blood we found a very poisonous substance in which was being carried around Miss Hofferson's body. Now although we don't know the drug itself, we can confirm that the substance is used in order to heavily drug someone, causing the victim to become completely unconscious for a short period of time, wake up feeling normal for a few hours and then have symptoms and effects shortly after." The doctor paused before continuing and looking at Astrid in bed. "We found trace of this substance still inside your body, the main area was your stomach. So we had to carry out an opporation and pump the drug out of your stomach and body. You may feel a slight discomfort on your left side of your body from the opporation but it will take about a week or so to heal properly."
As he spoke, Astrid moved her hand down to the side of stomach/hip under the blanket where she felt a large bandage around the area. She cringed slightly at the pain of touching it but continued listen to the doctor.
She then turned her attention to Hiccup once Dylan finished speaking. "So... Leo drugged me aswell..." She said looking down at her fingers. Hiccup nodded sadly taking her hand again.
"Sorry who is this Leo?" Dylan asked. Hiccup and Astrid looked at eachother, Astrid shaking her head slightly but Hiccup took a breath.
"Leo was... well... is Astrid's ex boyfriend." Hiccup said.
"So you believe he was the one that had possession of the drug?" Hiccup nodded and Astrid sighed before following the same actions.
"He..." Astrid began but fell silent. Taking a breath she continued. "The other night, my ex... raped... me"
"I see, I'm sorry to hear that Miss Hofferson," Dylan began. "Hearing this news though I will have to involve the police to look into this investigation."
"Is... is there any chance my ex could have... made me... pregnant?" She asked.
"We won't know for a few more weeks but we will keep an eye for you. I will arrange some appointments for you to have checks." He said giving her soft smile.
"Ok, thank you so much doctor..." Astrid said.
"Yes thank you" Hiccup followed.
"No problem at all, goodnight Miss Hofferson, goodnight Mr Haddock." Dylan said before he left the room and closed the door.
Hiccup was sat with Astrid watching the TV in the room. Astrid was slowly drifting off again against Hiccup's shoulder which he noticed.
He though he would make himself comfortable for the night on the sofa which was positioned in the corner of the room.
As he was about to get up from the bed and go to the sofa, Astrid woke up and saw what he was doing.
"Stay here... please?" She smiled gently to him. He returned it.
He climbed into the bed to Astrid's right and they both got comfortable. Astrid snuggled into Hiccup's chest again wish his arm gently stroking her side, careful not to touch her bandage.
"Goodnight Astrid" Hiccup kissed her head and temple before beginning to doze off.
"Goodnight Hiccup" she snuggled into him further and joined him in dreaming. "My knight in shining armour..."

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