Chapter 22

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Astrid looked at Hiccup slightly surprised, she had never seem so much anger in him before even as kids... But he was right.
Leo needed to pay.
She nodded as he returned the gesture. Astrid walked to the side of the car and got inside, putting her belt on. Hiccup followed Astrid's actions and started the engine again. He pressed his foot down onto the accelerator and turned around corners with one thing on his mind... REVENGE.
They arrived.
House in darkness.
Silence.... but not for long.
Hiccup turned off the engine and looked at Astrid.
"Astrid... stay in the car..."
"What? No way I'm coming with you!!"
"Sorry not an option!" He said pulling the keys out the car.
"Hey, I'm going with you no matter what! He needs to pay and I want to see him suffer!"
"I know... but this is my job. I should have been there to protect you and stop Leo from raping you. I failed at keeping you safe. I failed at protecting you... I failed you! And now it's time for me to prove I'm not a failure."
Astrid grabbed his hand before be could open the door. "You are not a failure, you are the most stubborn, most determined knucklehead I know... yes crazy sometimes but... no man would ever go through so much to protect and help someone. Hiccup Haddock... you were and will always be my hero..." She smiled as she stroked his knuckles. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and smiled back. He opened the door and got out but turned back before he closed it.
"Hey, can you go into the glove compartment and grab me out my torch inside?" Astrid nodded in return and began to rummage through everything.
"Hiccup I can't find any torch in here! Hiccup?!?" She looked up to see Hiccup had closed the door and was now stood in front of the car. He lifted his keys and locked Astrid inside.
"Keeping you safe!" Hiccup said softly enough for her to hear him and turned to walk up the steps to Leo's front door.
"HICCUP!!! HICCUP LET ME OUT!!! HICCUP STOP!!!' No matter how hard she shouted, Hiccup blocked her out.
He opened the door and closed it behind him with a loud bang.
Leo was still obviously passed out from his drunken experience previously but did Hiccup care... NOPE!
Looking around the house, he checked in each room to find him and slammed each door each time. Finally, he found his room where he saw Leo rolled up in his duvet wearing a plain grey top and boxers. His hair was messed up and his arms and legs were all over the place.
Hiccup marched in and slammed the door, only causing Leo to stir slightly but didn't awake. Hiccup's fists squeezed tightly before he clicked each bone in his body.
"...For Astrid..."

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