Chapter 66

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Chapter 66...
Astrid was sat in her hopsital reading a book one of the nurses had given her to pass the time. Hiccup had only just been sent to the operating theatre for his amputation so it would be at least a few hours until he was out.
Every so often, Astrid would gaze up from the words on her page and close her eyes as her head would begin to throb in pain. The nurses knew about it but she had to take medication for it at the moment as she waited for her next CT scan. She watched the doctors and nurses pass the window of her room, hoping non of them would be entering her room to tell her bad news so soon about Hiccup.
After a few minutes of reading, there was knock at the door. She swallowed as she saw a nurse enter the room. From the outside, Astrid remained calm but deep down inside her body was in panic and fear.
"Miss Hofferson, you have a visitor..." the nurse said as he stepped aside from the door.
Valka came rushing through the door over to her hospital bed and engulfed her carefully into a meaningful hug. Her voice was both relieved and scared.
"Are you ok?!? What happened!?!"
"I'm ok, just a few scratches and stuff. It was Leo..."
"That son of a bitch! I'm so glad you're safe" Valka hugged her again and stroked her hair. You could tell she was a pure caring mother. Valka reminded her of her own mother. Gentle and kind nature. Then it hit her... the fire...
"Valka... I-I'm so sorry about your house... t-the fire just got out of control... I-It's all my fault... I-I'm so sorry!"
Astrid begun to tear up knowing the fire destroyed the home. All Valka's memories of Hiccup and Stoick, all of Hiccup's memories and her's burnt to the ground. Valka pulled away from the hug and placed her hands on hers.
"Astrid... it's not you're fault at all dear... don't blame yourself for what happened..."
"But all your memories and belongings..."
"I'm sure we can recover some of the belongings but the memories... they'll always be in here and here." Valka moved her hand to her head and heart. She smiled at Astrid and wiped away the stray tears falling down her rosy cheeks. "As long as you are safe... that's all I'm worried about".
They both smiled at eachother.
"Have you heard anything from the Doctor about Hiccup?" Astrid asked her.
"Nothing since I arrived and was told he went into theatre... I'm glad you agreed with the dicission of his amputation"
"I was worried I chose the wrong choice... but as hard as it will be for him to lose his leg, I know he will get through it. He's strong."
"I think he's more worried about losing you than losing a leg... he really does love you, more than I think you realise."
"Well... I think saving me multiple times and getting me away from my abusive ex might show it a little..." Astrid chuckled a bit.
"I'm glad he found you, you're an amazing girl. Even as kids you two were inseparable." Valka smiled at Astrid.
"I'm glad I met him too..." Astrid smiled back.
After at least 20 minutes of just talking, it made Astrid feel a lot better knowing Valka was there for her. She was the new mum to her, picking up all the pieces of the past and helping Astrid mend them back together.
"I need to go and make a few phone calls, I'm sure your gang are wondering what's going on..."
Valka stood up from the bed and walked outside the room with a gentle smile. She closed the door and left Asteid to herself for a while.
Astrid and Valka were both asleep. Valka was curled up in a chair on the other side of the room with a blanket gently placed over her. Astrid fell asleep with her fingers intact with the book she was reading before her eyelids fell heavy and they closed into a peaceful sleep.
Astrid gently opened her eyes, stretching her body to a comfortable force. Valka began to stir aswell slightly as she saw the surgeon walk in. Astrid closed her book and placed it on the side, sitting up in position. Valka pushed the blanket off of her and stood up, still a bit sleepy but conscious enough. She walked over next to Astrid as the surgeon close she door.
"The operation is finished..."
"How is he?"

Hidden Scars Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora