Chapter 61

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Chapter 61...
Hiccup drove both him and Astrid to the police station where they were waiting to be called into the meeting room. Astrid wasn't told any other information on the phone except that they needed to come in right away from pieces of evidence they had found from CCTV footage and investigation sources.
"Do you reckon they'll have enough evidence to find out who did this completely?"
"I'm not sure Hiccup... they only said they're found evidence and nothing to do with prosecution or finding anyone guilty. But even if they found something... it means they are a step closer to finding out who killed my parents and a step closer in helping me understand what happened and put it in the past."
"I'm sure they'll find something that will be helpful, they've worked so hard to look into this case and we need to have faith in them."
"Yeah... fingers crossed. I just hope we work have to wait much longer. The nerves of this and sitting in a police station don't exactly make me feel great."
"I'm sure we won't be here much longer... by the looks of things, that officer is on his way over." Hiccup nodded up towards the officer walking their way.
"Miss Hofferson ?"
"Yes, I'm here..."
"It's nice to meet you, I'm general Peters. I am one of the officers and investigators on the case for the incident with your parents." The officer extended his hand and shook both Astrid and Hiccup's hand. "Please follow me..."
The officer took the two to a secure room in the staion and all sat down in the chairs in the room. They were sat to a metal table that consider of nothing except 5 glasses of water and 2 other chairs.
"The other investigators will be here shortly with the sources of evidence."
"Ok, may I ask what kind of evidence you found from the cctv footage?" Astrid asked as she took a sip of water.
"We found a few things but we are in need of you to help us with them. To see if anything we show are recognisable or have a strong link to any suspects."
Astrid nodded and sat back in her chair with Hiccup next to her, waiting for the rest of the investigators.
After a few more minutes, they came in and greeted themselves to the couple. They sat down with a folder and paperwork in there hands which was put on the table.
"I'm glad you could some to us straight away, sorry if we interrupted anything important..."
"No of course not, you didn't interrupt anything." Astrid said.
"Well-" Hiccup started but Astrid stamped in his foot hard so he stopped.
"As you may have been told on the phone, we have found some evidence in your parents case but we need your help to see if you recognise anything we are about to show you."
Astrid nodded and agreed with the investigators.
They opened the folder to show two individual files, one on each of Astrid's parents and another one with 'unknown suspect' written on the title. There were notes on all of them and many images of the victims.
"We created fact files on your parents to help us with the investigation as all do. But the main thing we need you to do is look at these photos."
The officer pushed a few images across the table towards Astrid and Hiccup.
The images were taken from CCTV cameras within the area and scene of the crash. The camera was able to capture the moments the cars collided and moments leading up to it.
"Do you recognise this car? The number plate was taken off and we were unable to track down the cars information."
Astrid looked at it and something clicked in her mind but she didn't know what.
"I feel like I do but I can't put my finger in it..."
They continued to look at photos taken but the answer was the same.
"Maybe we should allow you to watch the CCTV footage completely... only if you are sure to watch it fully..."
Astrid paused for a moment thinking but she knew it was for the best.
"It's fine, I'll do it..."
Everyone was taken to one of the operating rooms full of computers and technology. One investigator sat to a spare computer and began typing on the keyboard where he eventually pulled up the footage.
He pressed play and allowed the video to play up the point of the crash. It was hard to watch for Astrid and Hiccups, especially to see what actually happened. But they held it together.
As they watched it a few times, Astrid told them to slow down the footage so they were moving in frames.
"Hold on stop there."
The footage stopped at the point out before the crash and you could just see the driver. But the image was unclear from the distance and it was only for a split second.
"Zoom in on the driver a minute..."
As they zoomed in, you could see the driver was in a hooded figure dressed in black. But something was around his neck. A chain.
Thats when it clicked.
Astrid remembered someone who had a car in their garage that had no number plates on which was the exact same car and also the chain located around the drivers neck.
"I know who it is!"
"You do?"
"Yes I promise you I know who it is. It's Leo's Hiccup! It's Leo who killed my parents!"
"Who is this Leo?" The officer asked and began to take notes on everything the couple were explaining to them.
"Ok, thank you for this you two. Looks like we may have cracked this case... we will set the police out to find Leo and bring him in." The officer nodded and shook Hiccup and Astrid's hand before they all left. The couple set off home.
"Astrid! You aren't stupid!"
Astrid and Hiccup just got home and walked through the door after having a big conversation/argument with each other. Astrid was upset and angry but with herself.
"Yes I am Hiccup... because IT WAS LEO ALL ALONG! WHY DIDN'T I SEE THIS BEFORE?!?!"
"ASTRID!!... we found out it was him... They said they will arrest him tonight and the investigation is almost solved! It's not your fault at all!"
She sighed and looked at Hiccup.
"Hiccup... I just feel like... if I saw this before with the whole Leo fiasco and got him arrested before... My parents would be alive... with me."
"I know Astrid... I know... But you did it! You practically solved the case! Leo's going to be put in jail for everything he has done to you and your family!"
"Just when I thought he was gone out of my life... he just comes back to haunt me..."
"It's ok Astrid, nothing will happen as long as you're with me. I'm here to protect you because I love you with all my heart." Hiccup said and pulled Astrid into a hug.
"I love you too... thank you."
"Come on, it's already 10:20pm. We should get some sleep... don't worry, I'm ready to save our night for another night... maybe even to celebrate?" Hiccup said as he winked at her with a small grin. She laughed a bit and began to walk to the bottom of the stairs with Hiccup following.
"Maybe we could celebrate sometime. But, we didn't get to finish what we started earlier did we?"
Astrid giggled and ran up the stairs into Hiccup's room and he followed her quickly, already picking her up and putting her on the bed. The rest of the night was spent having a bit of fun but bit too much until they fell asleep a few hours later.
Astrid and Hiccup were peacefully sleeping in his bed, cuddling together. Both were in a deep sleep dreaming with smiles on their faces.
Little did they know...
Someone was trying to break in.

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