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harrys pov ;

I don't know what came over me, honestly. My emotions got the best of me. But, how could one person be so... so... Oblivious?! I don't expect Zayn to come back. When I get mad, it's usually something really bad and he knows that I need my space.

I'm really not looking forward to seeing him at school in an hour.

I trudged through the rain, once again, in the cold. Why the fuck can't I get a car?! It's not like we're broke!

It was raining hard, I could barely see. I pulled my jacket closer to my body, shivers running up my spine. I clutched my books close to my body. Suddenly, a familiar car pulled onto the side of the road. A boy with black hair climbed out. Zayn.

"Harry! Harry, please! Let me drive you." He pleaded, but I kept walking, trying my best to ignore him. I felt a hand on my arm, holding me in place though I refused to turn around. "Harry please. I want to talk to you." I just shook my head. It's not going to be that easy Malik.


"Now, you can use the remaining 20 minutes of class to work on your songs." Mr. Parks finished, smiling. I sighed, grabbing my books and moving over to where my he boys were sitting. I made sure I was as far away from Zayn as possible.

Niall started explaining something about the song, I wasn't listening. I clutched my knees to my chest, resting my chin on my arms. My eyes scanned the room, lost in thought. All I could think of was ZaynZaynzaynzaynzayn.

"Hey, you alright mate?" Louis whispered, resting a gentle hand on my shoulder. I just shrugged.

"I'm fine." I replied softly. He sighed, rubbing small circles against my shoulder.

"Talk to me later okay?" He said, turning back to the conversation. I nodded.

I just want to go home, curl up on my bed and cry. Just cry. I feel like absolute crap. Zayn doesn't love me.

He never will.


"Harry, talk to me please." Louis said, pulling me towards his car, climbing in and slamming the door shut. Niall had gotten angry after Louis cancelled their plans to cuddle and watch a movie. He had stormed out of school, catching a ride with Liam.

I felt bad for Louis. He really loves Niall, you can see it in his eyes. Now it's my fault they're fighting.

"Louis, we don't have to talk. Go get Niall." I said, exiting his car. Louis frowned and shook his head.

"It's too late now Harry. Lets just go to my house and talk." He said, not looking at me. I sighed and re-entered the car.

The drive was quiet. Neither of us wanted to talk. Not now at least.


I sat down on Louis' desk chair as he sat on his bed.

"Tell me what's wrong." He said, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his thighs.

I told him everything. Zayn and I fighting. Me telling him how oblivious he is. Zayn leaving my house. etc.

About halfway through the story, I started bawling my eyes out. Zayn will never love me. Ever. Why did I tell him that I love him?! I'm a fucking idiot.

"Oh my god. Harry. Zayn does love you. I swear it on my relationship with Niall." Louis said, getting off his bed and grabbing a chair, pulling it next to me. " You don't even know how many times Zayn has come to my house crying because you will never love him." I just shook my head.

"You're just trying to make me feel better." I say, wiping a tear.

"Just give him another chance. Please."



wow this sucks but I'm so sorry for slow updates.

I've just been really busy

I'll try to update more!

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