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Anyway, Mr. Parks said that we had to write the song from the heart. Meaning it has to have some personal feel. We are in a group of five so I'm not very sure how we are exactly going to to it. He also said we have to name our group. There's gonna be a whole lot of arguing. And he said if any one plays and instrument, they should play it. Niall plays guitar but that's it. The rest of us can sing though.


"Hazzzz... Your coming over right?" I ask Harry as he packs up his stuff. He nods, not looking at me. I could tell something was wrong because he's usually a happy guy. I'll just ask him later.

"Zayn! Harry! C'mon!" Niall called down the hall. I sighed and walked towards him. Liam and Louis were already with him. I joined them and turned around to see Harry walking slow.

"Hey Harry, you alright?" Liam asked, being the overprotective lad he is.

"Yeah. I'm okay." He replied softly. I hate seeing Harry like this. It makes me want to bloodily murder whoever made him so sad. I want to be the one to comfort him, to hold him. To make him feel special.

Zayn! Stop. You have a girlfriend.

I couldn't have Harry anyway. He doesn't like me that way. Plus, his last relationship didn't end to good.

His name is Jack. They had been dating for about 2 years and it was clear that Harry loved him. Harry would tell me everyday how wonderful Jack was. They would spend hours together and everybody defiantly thought that they were meant to be.

Until Harry walked in and saw Jack making out with a GIRL. Guess who was there to pick up the pieces? Me.

Harry cried until he couldn't anymore. Sometimes, I'd cry with him. He wouldn't eat or leave his room. It was awful. Then one day I guess he just decided to move on. But to this day, I can tell he still has feelings for Jack. Even though Jack moved away.

We walked out of the school and we climbed into Louis black jeep. Niall took the passenger seat and the rest of us got into the back.

"Turn on the radio man!" Liam yelled. Louis rolled his eyes and tapped a button on his dashboard. Trumpets By Jason Derulo started blaring through the speakers and Niall rolled his eyes and pressed the skip button.

"I'm so done with that song." He said, chuckling. That's when 'Problem' started and we all just looked at each other and started singing at the top of our lungs.


"Louis, stop!" Niall pleaded. Louis was kept kissing Niall all over his face and it was sickeningly sweet. Liam groaned.

"Guys, stop the PDA." He said, covering his eyes. I chuckled and peered over at Harry, who was staring at the floor lost in thought. I scooted over to him on the couch.

"Hey Haz, you alright? Did I do something?" I asked, quietly. Harry lifted his head to look at me and sighed.

"No you didn't do anything." He replied, sadly. I wrapped my arms around him and thankfully, he didn't push me away. I stared into his deep green eyes and ran my fingers through his thick brown curls.

"Then what's up?" I said, glancing over at the other three bickering boys. I mentally chuckled at their stupidity.

"Nothing. I'm fine, really." Harry sighed.

"You can tell me anything Harry. I'm your best friend." I said. He turned him head to me and frowned.

"I know." He whispered.

"Just tell me what's wrong." I said, holding him tighter. He shook his head.

"I told you I'm fine." He said, looking away from me. I sighed.

"C'mon Harry, spill." I said, getting slightly irritated. Suddenly Harry jumped up, tears forming in his eyes.

"I told you I'm fine!" He screamed, running out of Louis' house. The other boys gave me a sympathetic look as I ran after him.

"Harry! Harry!" I called, running after him, as fast as I can. Harry is fast but I was always faster. When I put my mind to it, I can run really fast. Eventually, Harry gave up and collapsed on the ground in a pool of tears. I ran to him, tears forming in my own eyes. I knelt beside him and wrapped my arms, tightly, around him. He buried his head in my chest and cried. I haven't seen him cry so much since what happened with Jake.

"Harry... I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you. I should've just let you be. I'm sorry." I sniffed. He didn't say anything as his crying slowly disappeared. He wiped his eyes and sniffed. It was adorable. I just wanted to stay here forever. But, people were staring.

"I-It's okay." Harry replied, shakily. I reluctantly pulled away from him and helped him up. I smiled softly, admiring his features. His soft, pink lips curled into a small smile and his pale cheeks, tinted a slight rosy color. His thick curls were thrown everywhere and he looked like a mess. His eyes were red and puffy. I sighed and intertwined my fingers with his.

"Let's go back, yeah?" He nodded, slightly, looking down at the floor. We walked in a comfortable silence back to Louis house. We opened the door to see Liam, Niall and Louis discussing a name for our 'band'.

"Hey! What about Niall and the other guys?" Niall suggested. Louis rolled his eyes and gave him a light punch on the arm. They started to bicker about some other names, they didn't even notice we came in.

"What about One Direction?" Harry suggested, quietly. The three lads turned around and stared at him.

"I like that." Liam said. Everyone agree and it was official.

We're One Direction.


tehe get it FOUR.


~Sierra ≫☀︎≪

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