t h r e e

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h a r r y ☀︎

"HARRY. WAKE THE FUCK UP AND LET ME IN!" I heard someone yell. I groggily climbed out of bed and followed the sound. I opened my eyes completely to see the one and only Zayn Malik standing outside my window.

Though my room is on the second floor, Zayn has become an expert at climbing up there. I quickly unlocked my window to let in the freezing lad.

"Zayn, what time is it?" I ask him as he sit down on his favorite chair. He quickly pulls out his phone and clicks it on.

"Um, 4:00." He says bluntly. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I groan, plopping back down on my bed. I rubbed my eyes in frustration.

"Sorry Haz. I just need to talk to someone." He says, sitting next to me. I removed my hands from my face and look at him.

"Go for it." I say, suddenly intrigued. He sighed and even in the faint lighting, I could see a hint of blush spread across his face.

"Well, lately.... I've been having these weird feelings for someone." He starts. I stay silent. Great. He's got another crush.

"What about Perrie?" I ask. He sighs and buries his face in his hands.

"That's the thing. It's not a girl." He says through his hands. A boy? He likes... A boy? Oh lord have mercy.

"So, your gay?" I ask hesitantly. He looks up at me and sighs.

"No... Well maybe. I don't know. Is that a problem?" He asks, hurt flashing in his eyes.

"No! No! Not at all. I respect you Z." I say. He then pulls me into a tight hug. I wrapped my hands around him, holding onto him. We stayed like that for a while. In comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.


"Mr. Malik. Please stop talking. Thank you." Mr. Cuff said. It's art class, which is Zayn's favorite class. Well, except for Music. Even though Zayn is always cracking jokes in this class, he is Mr. Cuff's favorite student. Probably because he has an amazing talent.

"Sorry." Zayn says. This is one of the hard classes for me. Zayn sits on the other side of the room with her. Whenever I look over there, I see them being all lovey dovey and it makes me want to throw up all over her expensive Gucci bag. What happened to that crush huh?

"Okay class. We have about 20 minutes left of class. You can free draw." Mr. Cuff announces. I get up to walk over to Zayn but I see he's too busy... I sigh and sit back down in my seat. I took out my no line notepad and doodled until the bell rang.

I rushed out of the classroom and hurried to lunch. I grabbed my lunch out of my locker and practically ran to the lunchroom, trying my best to avoid Zayn. I spotted the rest of the boys at our table so I walked over there and sat down.

"Hey lads." I say. They all mumbles hi's and go back to their conversations. I decided to not join in and just people watch. I scanned the room for any sign of Zayn. When my eyes drifted to the "popular" table, there he was. That's really just the popular cheerleaders and their boyfriends table. My table is where all the jocks sit. I turned my head to my lunch and started poking my sandwich absentmindedly.

"Hey Harry... You okay?" My other best friend, Louis, asked. He knows about my crush. I shake my head slightly, not looking away from my food.

"Not really." I say quietly, stealing a look at Zayn and Perrie. They were laughing and Zayn looked so happy. I wish I was the one that made him smile. Oh my god, his smile. It could brighten up the darkest room.

"Hey Harry, you know I'm here if you want to talk about it." Louis suggested softly. I shook my head.

"I'll be fine. I'm fine.." I whispered, looking back at my lunch. I looked back up and saw Zayn had disappeared from the "popular" table. I jumped as I felt a pair of strong hands rest firmly on my shoulders. I heard a light chuckle and the one and only Zayn Malik slid on my bench beside me.

"Sorry Haz. I honestly didn't think I was gonna scare ya." Zayn said. I poked my apple with my fork and forced a small smile.

"I'm fine Z. You don't have to worry." I replied, turning back to my apple. I stared into his deep brown eyes and I knew he knew that I was lying. He always does.

"Not your not. I'm your best friend Harry. You can tell me anything." Zayn says, slinging his left leg over the bench to face me. I sighed and put down my fork.

"I'm really okay Zayn. I'm just tired since a certain someone had to wake me up really early." I half lied. I'm pretty sure he believed it because he smiled and started a conversation with the others.

God, his smile just makes my knees go weak.


"Class! Settle down please." Mr. Parks called over the classes chatter. Everyone eventually quieted down.

"So today, I am assigning a month-long project." Mr. Parks announced. A chorus of groans erupted throughout the room but Mr. Parks just smiled. "Its a fun project though! You will be working with a group of 5 or 4 and you will be writing a song and presenting it in front of the class. If your too shy to preform in front of the class, you can come in during lunch and preform for just me."

"Can we chose our groups?" A student asked.

"No sorry. I will be assigning groups." Mr. Parks said, causing another chorus of groans.

"Can we get in our groups now?" Another student asked. Mr. Parks chuckled and nodded.

"First Group. Ashley, Max, Tomas, and Libby. Second group. Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Michael. Third group. Alexis, Megan, Laura, and Francis. Fourth group. George, Adam, Charlie, and Sarah. Fifth group. Jacob, Sierra, Alex, and Mark. Sixth group. Jasmine, Polly, Mari, Connie. And our last group is a group of 5. Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry, and Zayn."

Oh, this'll be a piece of cake.


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